I’ve posted this also on RCG, would much appreciate 3DR support chiming in, this has been a serious problem for me. In short: I’ve had problems swapping a 2.5 board with a Pixhawk, with the same exact ESC configuration and wiring known to work for 100s of flights on an old board. Problem seems to have disappeared once I added ground signal connection to output rail.
(Edit add: All escs always calibrated one at a time through direct connection to receiver.)
More below (sorry, a bit long).
I’ve had some serious issues to date with Pixhawk, that I may have resolved, and thought I’d share here. This may be related to what kfennel has been experiencing. In short:
Swapped apm 2.5 with Pixhawk on a long tested and perfectly flying “kamikaze” quad (thank god, read on, as the pixhawk is ultimately for my heavy octo). Couple details, which may be crucial in this case:
No use of the 3DR module, as I haven’t upgraded yet to a 6S capable sensor. So Pixhawk is powered on spare pins with a 3A bec.
All esc’s plugged with signal wires only.
Results: Calibrated everything accel, etc …, first go: Flip.
Calibrate Escs. Flip again. Replaced what I thought was a bad esc, damaged motor from flip, this time plugged with ground wire re-calibrated. Flip. Recalibrated all escs. Success …
Go through a battery. Switch battery. Flip again!
Read viewtopic.php?f=21&t=5838
Replaced all escs with new ones with ground signal plugged also: Success. Power off, switch battery. Success again, all good.
My bottom line so far: The combination: external dedicated bec power/no 3DR power module + escs with signal wires only + (maybe) taking a while pressing the safety switch => problem. Escs are vanilla simonk flashed afros, worked for hundreds of previous flights with apm 2x boards with signal wire only.
The case for using an external bec and not plugging in esc power wires is well established. (“clean” power, avoid crappy esc’s internal regulators, less wires plugged in => better FC vibration isolation). But … not plugging ground wires is less established, original idea is to possibly avoid ground loops. Yet I’ve never read reports of problems using the ground wires. In any case, could it be that Pixhawk’s internal wiring/rail ground plane is different than 2.x boards in that it does require an ESC return path? Or is there some weird ESC bad initialization (or bad recalibration) sequence when ground wires are not present? There is also something about enabling the safety switch fast after powering up (I think I read a message about this from Randy somewhere, to prevent unwanted calibration…). So far I’ve tested enabling the switch after more than 30 seconds (with esc’s with ground) and no problem …
Thoughts anyone? Needless to say, “miffed” is an understatement …
My “problem” is fixed for now, and the pixhawk copter flies fantastic, stabilize, acro, loiter and all. (although I still have some trim issues, but this is probably unrelated). But I don’t like not getting at the root of this. Let alone rewiring dozens of ESCs to provide for ground connection …