Does not yaw in place, describes a 10m radius circle instead

I made a 650 class quad this time.

fc uses pixhawk4, gps uses here3.

This is my first use of here3.

First of all, for the first problem, I use pitch to move forward.

The correct quad will fly in a straight line without problems.

But the quad moves at an angle

The heading direction of the aircraft is also oblique, and the direction of travel is also oblique.

Turning the yaw does not rotate the heading in place, but rotates in a large circle with a diameter of about 10m.

Is this a simple gps module problem?

Or is it a matter of pid values ​​like posxy_p or velxy_p?

The firmware is using 4.0.7.

If you want to use here3, do you need to change the extra parameters?

This is my first time in this case and I am very embarrassed.

here1 or here2 on pixhawk4 didn’t have much problem

Need to see a .bin log file to tell anything.
Set these for a start, then you know GPS is working before you can arm:
FENCE_ALT_MAX 50 Adjust for safety or local laws
FENCE_RADIUS 100 Adjust for safety or local laws

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