I bought FC Matek H743-Slim, but I don’t know if it supports firmware for the quadcopter, in youtube everyone mostly uses it as a wing
It supports all Ardupilot vehicle types as do all versions of the Matek H743 boards.
So I can make a quadcopter on it?
“all” includes quadcopters…
thank you
We almost need a sticky at the top of the site which briefly explains what ardupilot is, very basically how it works and what kind of experience a new user may have doing their first build. Maybe even an example of a working quad or rover which they can just copy the parts and settings to make it work.
The docs are already really good for all the firmware but it seems many users would rather post questions than read the docs, and there is still the really big picture stuff which is hard to find as most of the docs are written about the details rather than the overwiew.
An example is the matek fc, they are a great controller and work very well with ardupilot, but it’s hard to work out which one you should buy, even when you find the table which lists the features of them side by side, the fc are not called h7xx rover, h7xx copter, which would be easier and it confuses thing’s further when you can quite easily put a wing fc in a rover and so on.
Yes I suppose that covers most of it Yuri, but if I stumble upon that homepage and read it all do I know if I need to be able to write python to use ardupilot? Do I have any idea of what’s practically involved in a build? (I realise it varies greatly depending on what a user wants to achieve), would I have any idea of how long it might take to get something running well before I commit to purchasing hardware?
I’m almost talking about a review from someone who has had a go at using ardupilot to give a potential new user an “insiders” perspective, “the lowdown” on ardupilot if you like.
I know Lee does a lot on his painless360 YT vids but he will most likely be reviewing some new hardware he has been sent by a supplier to get it some traction in the market,
I suppose the scope of ardupilot applications and users is so broad that no single example or review can capture what it’s all about, but I was just trying to create something to assist a bare bones beginner to get a feeling for what it’s all about
Sure, the documentation can always use improvement. In some areas, it’s downright atrocious.
The cool thing is that you don’t have to make vague suggestions for improvement. You can actually make the changes you want to see:
Wiki Editing Guide — ArduPilot documentation
Leading the horse to water is just as challenging as getting them to drink. Perhaps there should be something in the forum registration that forces a click to the Ardupilot main page.
I’m sorry for asking stupid questions
My comment wasn’t directed at you. Actually a question similar to yours has been asked several times before. “Can the Matek H743-WING board, or a VTOL board, be used for Ardupilot platforms other than Plane (wing)”. It can but it’s easy to see how someone unfamiliar with the Ardupilot ecosystem could ask that question.