Does anyone use the DragonLink telemetry?

You mentioned RX and TX of TELEM2.

I saw the pinout of Pixhawk2.

Are you mcu_tx, mcu_rx?
Is mcu_Cts (tx), mcu_Rts (rx)?

depends on what you set in the DL reciver setup.

mcu_tx, mcu_rx = tx , rx

you only nneed mcu_cts and mcu_rts if you use flowcontrol.

Thank you.
As a result, I used the mcu_rx mcu_tx pin.

I attach my rx, tx settings and pictures for a more accurate diagnosis.


rx03 tx02

double-check your baudrate settings match, as your DL receiver’s baudrate is set to 19,2 kbaud obviously:


you can use the “get status” button to check there’s valid telemetry-data on your DL’s receiver.

Follow that instructions, use the non flow control approach.

works like a charm with the newest firmware.

Thank you for your valuable information.
Do you have any other problem besides this?

Wiring or …?


I have these numbers

Is this normal?

this is average used / available data rate. so there’s no data being sent via radio modem while that screenshot was taken. with an active link you will see the used data rate number increase accrodingly:
again, mind the baudrate settings of your FC’s telemetry port and your DL receiver need to match.

and you need to rebind your reciver :wink:
just reset everything to default and follow the instructions above step by step.
else its hard to find out what is wrong :wink:

I was half as successful in connecting the telemetry today.

Based on the slope of fc in the flight data, the instrument cluster moved together.

However, in the process of receiving the parameters, the telemetry could not get any parameters.

Were not you the case?

I sympathize.
This is very difficult and I do not know what went wrong.

I just like the above

I have had half the success.

And then I followed your link and fc turned out to be inverted and I did not get the parameters either.

Of course I did not forget to re-bind each time the setting changes.

did you change the pixhawk serial parameters and the mission planner settings?
that is normaly the cause of non loading parameters.

inverted fc: what exactly is inverted ? the wirering? or the artificial horrizon?

DL쪽 RX, Tx 세팅에는 이상 없습니다. FC쪽 세팅값을 캡쳐를 잡아 올리시던가 아님 Param파일을 올리세요. DL여러대 세팅해 봤는데 블루투스 모듈 자체 말고는 문제 생긴적 없었습니다. 동네가 어디신지 모르겠지만 가까운 동호회 나가시면 금방 해결해 줄겁니다.

@Ricoman did you get this working? I use DL telemetry all the time. However, before I spam the thread with diagrams and screenshots, I just wanted to know if it was needed. Thanks.

@davidbitton this is not spam to publish a working and tested set-up. The thread subject is DL telemetry. Please go ! :smiley:

Sorry … I have not solved it yet …

During the weekend, I was completely off on this issue doing other things.

Your words give me great courage.
You said that there is no problem with the TX and RX settings on the DL.
I changed the settings for this one and the other.
I will go through the factory reset and try again.
If it’s a parameter problem with PixHawk, I’ll test it first and send you my parameters.

I am very busy on the weekends, and I have completely taken my hand off this problem.
Now it’s restarting.

This is what it means to be upside down.

did you set up the adhs orientation?
cube had a inverted setup some time ago.