DJI FPV OSD not working correctly after update from 4.1.7 to 4.2

After the update to Ardupilot 4.2 I noticed that all my OSD items were in other locations and also some items projected over each other.

I could not move the OSD items under OSD1 like I could in version 4.1.7.
After some tinkering I found out that when I set the OSD_TYPE from 3 to 0 all the OSD items were back in the correct position where they were before the upgrade, but now I can’t change it anymore. Is this a bug, or how can I manipulate this in this version?

You definitely want OSD_TYPE = 3.
I have this on 4.2 and it works fine for me at least.

I know I normally need this on OSD_TYPE = 3 but than all the text is mixed up, I will try to make a picture from the goggles tonight. It’s very strange it’s working perfectly with OSD_TYPE = 0??

I will also post the param file tonight

This is my OSD setup for DJI v2, works fine for me:

Thanks for the param file, I copied the OSD items in my setup and everything works fine now.
But it’s weird that with OSD_TYPE = 0 I still had the OSD items.



AR Wing Pro 18-05-2022 after 4.2 Update MSP_TYPE=0.param (17.4 KB)

I have some problems,after update to 4.2,the battery voltage display wrong,the flight mode can’t not display in message position

Copy the OSD_ items from the param file from Andy to your setup and it’s working fine again.

But some osd parameters don’t want to be like him

Hey Andy did you have to configure anything specific to get battery capacity and voltage showing up on OSD? I’ve copied your settings here but my osd is showing 0 for both voltage and capacity.

No both work fine. Only thing to note is that sometimes there is a lot of lag in them being updated.

Figured it out. Had to set Batt_monitor = 4 for kukute h7 v2 fc