DJI ESC 420 lite (e series) continuos beep at start up

when i power up the ESCs continue to beep untill i press the safety switch, is there a way to disable the buzzer of the ESCs?

There are lots of reasons why the ESCs are beeping. It could be that they aren’t getting a signal.


Or BRD_SAFETY_DEFLT,0 (if you don’t want to use the safety switch)

Thanks so much for your support, anyway, both settings are already at 0 value as your suggestion, what can i do? It’s strange wich the switch is disabled but still flashing when i turn the craft on and wait to be pressed!

Assuming you have already done the RC calibration, you should try the ESC calibration next. Use this semi-automatic procedure:

thanks, i made it few months ago, i’m using dji 420 lite E series ESCs, even if i think that ESCs are not necessary to calibrate, but maybe i will solve if i made it again. I’m using Herelink as TX, are there particular reccomendations for the ESCs calibration using this TX?

I cant find any specs on those ESCs so I assume they should respond to the ESC calibration procedure. The normal RC calibration of the Herelink will be fine, since only the throttle channel matters for calibrating the ESCs.

The higher-end more industrial T-Motor ESCs use a PWM range as per below and are not able to be calibrated. I dont know if the DJI ESCs are similar.


Ok thanks
Here is my test, with one single battery: throttle up to 100%, power on the drone, press the switch, unplug power, plug the power back (still pushing up the throttle), press the switch again, push down throttle.
the values of MOT_PWN_MIN and MAX are now set to 1120 and 1920, (before was 1000 and 2000) but still nothing happen, all the same as before!

It sounds like you are doing the calibration process wrong.
Just use the semi-automatic method I linked to.

After that you will need to use MissionPlanner motor test to check and set these:


Aim for the lowest reliable value that allows all motors to start up and set that as MOT_SPIN_ARM
then add about +0.03 to that value and set it in MOT_SPIN_MIN

i’m sorry but nothing happen, even with semi-automatic calibration. I suspect the problem is on the MAUCH current controller, because if i power the pixhawk separately the drone works better, when i power the ESCs doesn’t beep!. What can i do?

Draw out a complete wiring diagram, it seems like something is connected wrong


That is a “feature” of all DJI ESC, that they beep when powered on but no signal. Also set PWM min and max to 1120 and 1920.

PS: 10 years ago the same beeping :slight_smile:

ah ok ok!! anyway, i made my first maiden flight today! I tested Loiter and Stabilize:
Loiter: fly perfect, only yaw is too sensitive
Stabilize: when i take off starts higher and is not easy to control the throttle…what can i do?

Learn to control it or use a assisted mode.

i’m a fpv pilot in acro mode, but what you mean “assisted mode”?

Altitude Hold, Loiter… Stabilize self-levels roll & pitch, throttle is up to you.