DJI 4114 400kv motors

Sure, how much time you intend to invest before the first flight? Are you mentally prepare the drone with crash and start all over again? How many times of stand up and fall, stand up and fall, do you plan to try? Worst, injured during the journey.

I appreciate your concern. I have been flying rc designing, building and flying for over 45 years. I have 3 multi rotors. I had a DJI S900 which crashed and so I decided to not throw it in the garbage, and make something. Iv crashed more times than you have flown, so crashing isn’t new to me. I work special effects in the movie industry with radio control, that’s not the problem the problem is I’m old, I don’t have as much time that you do. Get it? So I know what m in to, all I’m asking is for some assistance. I appreciate your effort helping me with my issue, and the personal satisfaction that I finished this project to my satisfaction.

Yes, a flight log. If it arms one is created. More useful than a parameter file. For the parameter file save it from the full parameter screen and post it. Traveling though so won’t be of much help today.

Thank you for your efforts……
It’s rainy here in Florida today, so I’ll have time to study today.


Dave. I’ve been able to get the DJI 4114 PRO motors on my DIY quad to run in motor test and armed and running with Futaba TX. so yesterday I spent 4 hours on trouble shooting the motor start problem. It was a fine tuning of the min and max motor settings. When you first turn on the pixhawk, there is an initialization period, what is the status of the BLUE L.E.D. ON M9N GPS module when all is working. Should it be blinking or solid? I assume that because I successfully armed the quad yesterday that I data logged. Where can I find those results files?
When you say post the parameters list where do I post them to?
Dave, I have 18 files that logged yesterday while I was trouble shooting.
Is that too many to upload?


Post a link to one (1) .bin log file hosted on a file sharing service (dropbox, etc). Don’t bother with the parameter file.

So,I saw you posted the log file in another thread. It should have been posted here.

In any case this is a supposed to be quad copter right (4 motors)? If so you have the wrong FRAME_CLASS configured.

Ive created a param file this morning. i posted it to RIcks Param File. where it is i have no idea.
sorry for the confusion. dispite my fumbling with this, i think im not doing to bad for 69 yrs old.
i appreciate your patients.

Rick Moro
Sat 22 june log.param (17.6 KB)

Sat 22 - 002.param (17.)

this one was done at 9 am. after changing MOTOR settings. got things running but got “POTENTIAL THRUST LOSS (1)” Not sure what that is…

so im seeing that it may be an issue with whats called saturated throttle. its being over driven i asume they mean.

Although while connected to MP, I can preform the motor test either single, or cycled with no problems, I do have to set % to 19% every time I do it. Not sure why that setting doesn’t stay once set. But when USB is disconnected, and I ARM the system with the Futaba radio, when I increase throttle to just past 50%, motors run erratic. As if there was a delay from moving the stick to adjusting speed.
Very strange…. If I leave it a a moderate speed, after a few seconds, the motors quit.

I apologize for the real time debugging I’m doing, but I’m getting some great info.
i definitely have Flight Mode issues, and Motor issues, when running purely from transmitter, the motors start to turn as soon as the throttle barely moves from idle position. like my DJI Mavic Pro,
i don’t get lift off till throttle is at 50% and once in a hover, i have to move the throttle down to loose altitude. I feel like im close, but now is when patients and triple checking pays off. thanks for your help Dave.


this PARAM fil # 004 is from the testing of the motors.
Sat 22 - 004.param (17.6 KB)

I have deleted the separate topics containing only uploaded attachments with no context. Please upload related files directly within the topic to which they pertain.

For larger .bin files, you may need to use an off-site service like Google Drive or Dropbox.

Ignore this, it’s meaningless. If the motors run in the proper order and direction now that the frame class is correct move on with configuration and tuning.

Okay. I apologize I’m new to this and appreciate your understanding.
Can I send the param log directly to someone that is requesting I send that file to him in order to help me debug my issue?

Ok, I’ll check it out.

It’s probably best if you reply the same way you did ~2 hours ago, including the relevant files (or links to them) as attachments directly in that response.

As Yuri suggests post them directly in the thread where the topic is being discussed. Parameter files can be attached directly as you discovered, .bin log files from the Flight Controller would be stored on a file sharing service (Dropbox, etc) and a link to it posted in the thread. If you send a file to someone as a PM then one person may, or may not, look at it. You want the most eyes on it as possible.

Thank you for your explanation . I will be more carful in the future.
I will carefully continue to progress a little at a time. I feel that I’ve come pretty far considering. I appreciate everyone’s assistance.


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Dave, I have gotten to the point where I was beginning to do initial adjustments to do a maiden test flight, when all of a sudden the BATT1 low voltage error appeared again. But this time the 2 ea 6 cell 6000mah. LiPo’s in parallel where fully charged and it was reading on the MP Data screen 16.42 volts? Could the PM02 power monitor be defective?

Measure the battery voltage with a meter and then reset the “measured battery voltage” from Mission Planners Battery Monitor config screen.

Dave, I have been able to correct the issues I’ve had and tested with a tethered quad. The 2 starboard motors motor 1 and 4 are not coming up to speed while under PixHawk control. I hooked up a 4 channel scope to view the PWM signals and those 2 lag in RPM. I checked each motor individually using a Spektrum Servo tester, and set the pulse timing to 1520ms. All 4 motors spin at about 9100 rpm. The signal out of the Pixhawk is suspect. Is there an ESC calibration that will correct these 2 lagging motors?


This is a waste of time. Remove the tether and follow normal configuration procedure.