Displaying LIDAR Altitude on OSD

Hello everyone!

I have a CubeOrange flight controller and an external MinimOSD board. Can you please advise on how to display LIDAR altitude on the OSD screen? In the default settings, I only see altitude displayed based on GPS/barometer readings, but I specifically need to use LIDAR data.

Thank you in advance for your help.

What firmware are you running on the minimOSD?

I use MWOSD GUI Configurator from (https://www.virtualpilot.co.uk/) and firmware (last update more than 2 years ago((( ) - MW-OSD (scarab-osd).

Looks like you’ll have to build it yourself with custom options set in scarab-osd/MW_OSD/Config.h:

/******************** Mavlink distance sensor settings *********************/
//#define MAVSENSORGPSACTIVE 5      // When enabled, displays sensor distance instead of GPS altitude. Default = 5m. Requires stream configured on MAV FC
//#define MAVSENSOR173              // When enabled, uses RANGEFINDER - MAVLINK #173 command for the distance. Requires MAVSENSORGPSACTIVE enabled
//#define MAVSENSOR132              // When enabled, uses INFO_DISTANCE - MAVLINK #132 command for the distance. Requires MAVSENSORGPSACTIVE enabled
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OK, thank you! I will try it and then write you!
Thanks again!

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