Different Helicopter control system configuration

Hi everyone, I’m building a Single Rotor Helicopter with a different control system and am trying to figure out if I can use Ardupilot to control it, and if so, which configuration to use. Could someone point me in the right direction?

I do not use a swashplate, so it is:
• Fixed Pitch (No CCPM)
• Flybarless
• No Cyclic
• No Collective

All servos are independent of each other
Servo #1: Aileron
Servo #2: Elevator
Servo #3: Rudder
Servo #4: Throttle (Z axis Ascend/Descend)

I read in the Swashplate setup wiki that there is an H1 option that seems close to what I want,
“H1 non-CCPM - Servo1 is aileron, Servo 2 is elevator and Servo 3 is collective”
I was unclear what “Servo-3 Collective” meant in this case as I thought non-CCPM implies no collective pitch


Hi Charles,

H1 does not mean no collective pitch. H1 relies on mechanical mixing of cyclic and collective pitch to move the swash properly. In CCPM, the mixing is done in the code and then sent to the servos.

If you are doing a fixed pitch heli. Then I think you need to use a multicopter configuration. I think it would be singlecopter

Thanks for the response Bill. So confirmed that a swashplate configuration will not work.
I did look at the SingleCopter you recommended, That would almost work. The problem is the Yaw, which uses a compound movement of both the Aileron and Elevator Servos.
I need the Yaw to be a separate servo that goes to the rudder
I think you are correct that it needs to be the configuration that “Fixed Pitched” Helicopters use, but I’ve not been able to find any information on how to setup Ardupilot for a fixed pitch helicopter.

My configuration uses all the same controls as a regular plane, the only difference is that it VTOLs and hovers. And Ascending/descending is done exclusively with throttle. So wondering if I could use arduplane, but will the fact that it hovers confuse the controller software?


Sounds like a quad plane config. I think plane supports quad planes

Thanks again Bill, I looked at the Quad plane, but don’t think that will work as I don’t actually have any motors.
I think the best fit for my configuration would be a Fixed Pitch Helicopter.
Would anyone here know how to setup Ardupilot for a Fixed Pitch Helicopter. I don’t see it mentioned anywhere in the documentation

Well if you don’t have cyclic then how are you controlling pitch and roll?

I suppose you could use a helicopter setup with the H1 swash. Then servo 1 would be aileron and servo 2 would be elevator. Then you could use the throttle curve in the Rotor speed controller. That way collective would be directly linked with throttle. You don’t have a collective servo but that would link your collective stick with the throttle output servo. You are definitely tricking the system but it should work.

I don’t think there is a configuration specifically for a fixed pitch heli. At least not that I know of and I’m the heli maintainer.

Thanks Bill, I think that using the H1 the way you are suggesting would work. It would be simple as it matches my controls. So I’m assuming there is a separate servo that controls the tail rotor pitch?
Can I use that tail rotor servo to control a rudder instead?

And to answer your question, I’m controlling Pitch and Roll by moving CofG.

Thanks for all your help. appreciated

Yes, just keep the default tail rotor setting. It is designed to control the tail rotor servo which controls tail rotor pitch but you can use it for the rudder.

By the way the default settings for helicopter with H1 swashplate is
Servo #1: Aileron
Servo #2: Elevator
Servo #3: Collective (which you’ll connect to throttle via the throttle curve)
Servo #4: Tailrotor (Rudder)
Servo #8: HeliRSC (throttle) This is controlled by the throttle curve.

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That servo configuration should work for me.

Thanks again for your help Bill.
I have some work to do now :slight_smile:


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I agree with Bill, H1 should work fine. I assume you are tilting the rotor fore and aft, and side to side, for directional control. Your throttle to vary the speed of the rotor to change thrust for vertical control will be on SERVO8 and just adjust the throttle curve (probably a linear 0-25-50-75-100 curve to start with). There will be no servo connected to SERVO3 - it won’t be used.

The autopilot will adjust the rotor speed by changing the collective on SERVO3 for altitude control, which is tied directly to the throttle on SERVO8 thru the throttle curve. Getting the throttle curve adjusted properly will be the “trick”, otherwise it should work fine.

I assume you are using a little motor on the tail for rudder, since changing the rotor speed with a transmission-driven tail will also change tail rotor speed and vary the yaw thrust. The Direct Drive Fixed-Pitch tail option in ArduPilot will work for that. DDFP changes the speed of the tail motor independent of the main rotor. I have flown DDFP on sizes up to 500 with good success. I tried it on 600 and it didn’t work due to a DDFP tail motor not having fast enough response for bigger helicopters.

If the helicopter is coaxial (two rotors turning in opposite directions) then you do not need a tail motor and yaw control is achieved by varying the differential speed, or collective pitch, of the two rotors. ArduPilot can only do this with coaxial helicopters by mechanical mixer that changes the collective pitch independently on the two rotors. It cannot handle a full fixed-pitch coaxial system that has two motors driving the rotors in opposite directions at independent speeds, as it has no mixer for that.

Thanks for the additional insight and confirmation Chris. Your assumptions are correct. Your feedback will save me some time in trial an error. appreciated.


Hi, any updates on this? :). I’m trying to setup something similar and stuck with ardupilot helicopter setup. Would like to hear from you.

Hi, I tried to do something similar (actually same). I didn’t exactly get what you meant by servo orders. I have 4 servo (esc) connections to board where two of them is aileron and elevator without swashplate. Two others are main motor and tail motor. I tried to do DDFP but the tail is not connected through main motor throttle. The main motor is choosen as motor 3 and servo 8 is heliRSC but when I try to control HeliRSC with RC it doesn’t move at all. When I change back to servo3 to motor 3, I can control main motor but the tail doesn’t accelarete as the throttle increases. How can I achive this? Should I go for coax copter? I’m stuck with this. Looking forward for your recommendations.

Hi, any update you have on this configuration?

Please provide your parameters. You can post them directly to your response. You’re correct that the servo output for the main motor ESC would use the heliRSC function. The servo output for the collective would not be used. And you would connect the tail ESC to the servo output that is for motor4 or the tail rotor output. then, in the parameters under the tail type, you would use DDFP and follow the set up in the wiki.

Since it is a fixed pitch, main rotor, you will have to use the throttle curve RSC mode in order to set the motor output according to the collective stick

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Ok let me tell you my story about my configuration. As mentioned in the topic, my configuration is same with
Servo #1: Tail Motor
Servo #2: Main Motor Throttle (Z axis Ascend/Descend)
Servo #3: Pitch
Servo #4: Roll
and my board is matek f405 mini-te which has only 4 motors connected (2 servos for pitch and roll) and 2 esc connected to tail and main motor. I’m using telemetry to control the helicopter with RC connected to computer. I can control main motor if my servo configuration is below:
Servo #1: Motor 4
Servo #2: Motor 3
Servo #3: Motor 1
Servo #4: Motor 2
Servo #8: HeliRSC
But this doesn’t make tail work with ddfp but if I make it servo only (which doesn’t have any shaft or belt connected to main motor), the tail also works due to torque created by main motor when it is working but it is not enough to counter enough. If I select DDFP and do below configuration:
Servo #1: Motor 4
Servo #2: HeliRSC
Servo #3: Motor 1
Servo #4: Motor 2
Servo #8: Motor 3
I can’t control main motor at all and tail doesn’t work at all as well. Normally, when I plug my battery, I can control and make work motors without arming (Idk why prob due to esc’s). I’m looking for your advices. My rotor speed control mode is throttle curve as well. My configuration doesn’t have any collective it has fixed collective but the increased throttle increases rpm of the main motor which would cause ascend. The tail is fixed pitch as well. With pitch and roll servos the main motor is tilted in that direction such that it would create some roll or pitch. But I can’t make it work for months. My params are below.
(Motor 1 and 2 orders may be written wrong but you got the idea)
05.08_heli.param (19.4 KB)


These are the settings of the servo outputs. This doesn’t match what you have shown above based on what you have shown above the servo settings should be.


Yes sorry about it. I was confused with the order. Let me edit my previous comment. My configuration is actually as below
Servo #1: Tail Motor
Servo #2: Main Motor Throttle (Z axis Ascend/Descend)
Servo #3: Pitch
Servo #4: Roll
And my heli setup looks like below:

The pitch and roll works as expected with user input. However, the problem I mentioned is happening.
I couldn’t make this setup working for a few months. Should I go for coax copter or dual helicopter (tandem). Or should I make some changes on the source code of the ardupilot to make it work? Looking forward to hearing from you.

My helicopter doesn’t have collective, swashplate. It has pitch and roll controlling by tilting main motor. Tail motor has fixed pitch. It needs to counter torque to the torque created by the main motor so that it can hover. But it can’t if servo only selected, it’s not enough to counter it. If ddfp is chosen then It doesn’t work with main motor (motor 3 is chosen as servo #2) but if I change it to HeliRSC, there is no main motor action. My board has 4 motor connection (1, #2, #3, #4) available which are all connected. Should I have to connect Main motor to #8 which is not on the boad?

So you should put HeliRSC for the main motor and so the servo page should look like this
Servo #1: Motor 4
Servo #2: HeliRSC
Servo #3: Motor 1
Servo #4: Motor 2

Your trim for roll looks way off 1250 is super low. why is that?

I think this issue with controlling the tail and main motor may be due to being able to arm and using the motor interlock switch. Do you understand how this works? Motor interlock switch on your transmitter must be low in order to arm and then after arming you would start both the tail and main motor by setting motor interlock switch high. I think this is why when you had the configuration correct, it didn’t work.