Deactivate servos of ailerons

I have a VTOL X8 and I have the next configuration:

MAIN1: motor 1
MAIN2: motor 2
MAIN3: motor 3
MAIN4: motor 4
AUX1: Left elevon
AUX2: Right elevon
AUX3: Motor

I need to have my plane power on all the time on the ground but when pass the time the servos (left elevon and right elevon) move and then it could be stay in a way that you think it is in the air with the nose up for example, however the plane is on the ground. That occurs after one 30 minutes or 1 hour sometimes. I want to know if there is a way to keep servos of ailerons power off before my plane flight. I have the same problem if my plane is arm or disarm. Can you tell me if that is possible, please?

The version that I have in the plane is ArduPlane V3.10.0-dev(049c8604)

The simplest is to set BRD_SAFETYENABLE=1 and the servos will be in “safe” mode when you boot. No pulses will go out at all

Hi, I did another tests in qloiter mode with GPS conection and the plane didn´t present the problem again. Thank you for your help.