Dataflash log multipliers: wrong values for message GPS


I have downloaded dataflash logs from CubePilot Orange.
I have transformed the .bin file into a .log file and I started analyzing data to perform my own analysis.

I tried to convert data into the correct unit of measure using multipliers.
I found that latitude and longitude of GPS message are 45 and 9 degrees approximately and they are coherent to my location. However, if I use the corresponding multiplier, I should multiply those values by 1e-7 (in FMT message the id corresponding to GPS is 87, then in FMTU, MultIds of 87 correspond to ‘F----0BGGB000–’ and the double GG are for latitude and longitude, which are referred to 1e-7 multipier). Is it correct?
Am I doing something wrong or there is an error in the log file?

Do you have matlab? can you use ardupilog? If not have you tried mavexplorer? It has python routines to read .bin logs.