Customizing SITL Multicopter Simulations: Tailoring Realism to Your Drone


Many of you are likely familiar with the SITL (Software In The Loop) simulator within ArduPilot, which can be found here: This simulator is user-friendly and quick to set up. However, one notable limitation is its physics simulation, which may not be fully comprehensive. While SITL provides a variety of parameters to manipulate your drone and test code features, did you know that you can refine the multicopter physics to align more closely with your drone’s characteristics using a simple configuration file? Let’s delve into this customization process.

Enhancing Multicopter Physics:

The default multicopter simulation in SITL is a basic quadcopter with predetermined traits, outlined at

This means that even if you are operating an octo-quad copter, the performance will mimic that of a quadcopter. Moreover, a funny side effect is adjusting the default battery voltage to a higher value (Try param set SIM_BATT_VOLTAGE 45 ) can lead to unrealistic behavior due to a mismatch between the simulated motor input voltage and the provided voltage. This discrepancy is intended to reflect real-world consequences; applying 45 volts to 16 volts motors would indeed damage them. So, how can you address this and tailor your own model?

When you run to launch you simulation, you may have noticed this kind of annoying messages :

These messages point to examples of copter customization, such as the one found at These files define the multicopter physics parameters.

To create your custom drone model, simply craft a new configuration file (like MyAwesomeDrone.json) and place it in the Tools/autotest/models/ directory.

Testing the Custom Model:

To test your new configuration, consider the Callisto model. The updated command becomes: -v ArduCopter -f Callisto

This command instructs the simulation to run an octa-quad drone using Callisto physics and parameters, which are stored in the same location as Callisto.json. Keep in mind that modifying the drone’s behavior will alter its reactions. Ideally, the behavior should be more akin to your actual drone’s performance.

Let’s try with our AwesomeDrone :
Copying Callisto file to MyAwesomeDrone:

cp Tools/autotest/models/Callisto.json Tools/autotest/models/MyAwesomeDrone.json

cp Tools/autotest/models/Callisto.param Tools/autotest/models/MyAwesomeDrone.param

Run simulation -v ArduCopter -f MyAwesomeDrone

Hum that doesn’t work, why ?

Troubleshooting and Solutions:

Let’s analyze what happened.

The physics .json file will be embedded into the SITL ROMFS (its virtual file system) during the build phase (in pink). During the launch phase (in orange), however, wSITL may not recognize your custom drone, halting the simulation. Remember, SITL runs in the small white windows, not the terminal where you are using, that is just a launcher for SITL !

And here the issue on ! To simplify common vehicle launch, we got a set of default frames and associated parameters. However, our AwesomeDrone is not registered within these defaults, leading to not passing the right launch parameters to SITL.

To rectify this, navigate to : ardupilot/Tools/autotest/pysim/ at master · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub and replicate Callisto’s entries with your drone’s name. Of course adjust on need to match your drone.

Let’s just copy Callisto fields and replace with our drone name :

And run back SITL : -v ArduCopter -f MyAwesomeDrone

Now, it is working !

Alternative Launch Method:

An alternative approach that avoids modifying involves passing the model and default parameter files directly to -v ArduCopter --model octa-quad:@ROMFS/models/MyAwesomeDrone.json --add-param-file=Tools/autotest/models/MyAwesomeDrone.param

For those that don’t use as launcher, it is working the same way :

/home/khancyr/Workspace/ardupilot/build/sitl/bin/arducopter -S --model octa-quad:@ROMFS/models/MyAwesomeDrone.json --speedup 1 --slave 0 --defaults Tools/autotest/default_params/copter.parm,Tools/autotest/models/MyAwesomeDrone.param --sim-address= -I0


By following these steps, you have gained insight into fine-tuning your multicopter simulations to more accurately reflect your drone’s characteristics and learn how to add a new vehicle default frame to !

Those features are quite handy for better simulations but lack documentation and ease of use ! We could improve to automatically catch new frames in the Tools/autotest/models/ directory and add some autocompletion to catch up those models. If you are interested in contributing to these improvements or adding this guide to the wiki, your contributions are warmly welcomed.

Happy simulations !


@khancyr So cool! Thanks for sharing this. Would love to give a try.

Hey @khancyr It is a great step in tailoring realism to ardupilot simulations. I tried it with my multicopter’s weight and battery configuration using Mavproxy in Linux. The logs were showing a good level of similarity with the real flight logs.

However I was thinking if we could do the same by altering the and/or in mission planner then it would be easier for those basic users who are trying SITL in windows.


That a good idea, I am not really used to how MP is loading SITL. From memory, it is using a cygwin build, but we should be able to add a way to load a custom json definition on it.

I am trying to change the weight in the simulation however, by only changing the mass there are no changes with the results.
Are there other factors that need to be changed alongside the mass?
Thanks for your help