Custom Quad with Pixhawk 2.4.8 yaws right upon throttling

Hi Fam, I’am. using custom quad frame with pixhawk 2.4.8, these motors, these ESCs, and 1045 props.

While taking off in Stabilize mode, as I start with the thrust the quad starts yawing to the right and doesn’t take a balanced liftoff. Tried calibrating the ESCs, GPS but nothing works.

Lemme know what I am missing. Have attached few screenshots.

It could be the spin direction of props, check in this section:

Note how the MissionPlanner motor test uses letters


I think this is a clasical “YAW imbalace” or a RC yaw bad trim.

  1. Check if one of the arm is twisted or bent. Seach this forum for “YAW imbalance”
  2. Chect the YAW trim of your RC transmitter. It MUST be centered. Recalibrate RC transmiter in MP after doing that.

I have specifically checked this and tested motors ABCD as well. Thanks for replying though.

I am wondering could there be something wrong with the Autopilot. Though it should have reflected in the mission planner.

This is fixed now guys, altered some yaw PID tuning