Custom Buzzer Sounds / Developer

Hello guys,

I’ve new to the process of attempting to learn the development side of the house. I was curious to see how you could manipulate the code to change the boot-up buzzer sound / any sound that runs on Ardupilot firmware (in the regards of making my own boot-up buzzer sound or attempting to create one). I’m interested in creating my own firmware #development-team #ground-control-software:mission-planner #arduplane #arducopter #ardurover @Michael_Oborne @rmackay9

For sounds,

You can modify things here to add your own tones.
For startup tone,
{ “MFT240L8O4aO5dcO4aO5dcO4aO5dcL16dcdcdcdc”, false },

I would suggest not to fiddle with other notification tones which may lead to you not recognising the situation.

Hello @Mallikarjun_SE,

Thank you for the post. I feel comfortable editing the code to change the buzzer; however, I never edited firmware before. Could you run me through some instructions on how to edit Plane or Rover firmware? And what possible software I would need to edit the firmware / libraries? Thank you so much.