Custom build 450 frame

frame custom build 450
fc : pixhawk 2.4.8
gps ublox m8n
motor : 2212 920kv
esc : Cyclone 35A Blheli_S DSHOT600
battry : 3s 5200mah
weight : 1.2 kg

today fly with physical changed

adding fc mount shock absorber

good fly not error

This quad will benefit greatly from tuning. Setup the notch filter, and then proceed with the PID tuning.

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My drone power monitor not working showing wrong reading

Power module using (APM Pixhawk Power Module 90a)
Testing 2 power module old and new same issue

Can i use this 1 different blheli_32 esc for voltage and current telemetry but this esc different protocol

Did you try calibrating the power monitor voltage?

Yes :point_up_2: this process done
Few minutes showing correct voltage change different battery voltage 3s to 4s showing correct volt batt

Calibration battery voltage divider (calced):11.24839 value To perfect show voltage any battery 3s,4s

After 7-8 min showing low voltage battery 12 volt to direct 7 volt

Are you saying the voltage measurement changes after some time?
If so buy a “power brick” of better quality, since the 5volt regulator is also likely to give trouble.
In your log the Vcc (5v supply to the flight controller) is very low at 4.33 volts and will give you serious trouble. It is a wonder anything works.

I wouldnt be swapping out just 1 ESC to get voltage readings from it. You could change all ESCs to BLHELI32.

Yes voltage measurement changes after some time
I know board voltage low
External 5volt bec connected servo rail for backup

In my country only this model available

old Apm pixhawk power module xt60 90a using

Can you try and get this - it will require some rewiring but I think you’ll like the result and it takes more connectors away. More connectors = more points of failure.
I can guide you with the wiring - there’s some important points to take care of, so if you do get this dont just plug in that connector to your flight controller, it has full battery voltage available which will be disastrous.
You could fit the capacitor a bit neater than what they have in the picture, lying down.
Use plastic screws and nuts for mounting it.

The listing says Out of Stock - but maybe contact them and ask when it will be available.
EDIT : They list a couple of Holybro PDB’s in new arrivals so ask if they can get you the PM02 or PM06 (non digital versions)

Or try and order one of these from a Holybro stockist, or direct online. Select the PM02 for a direct replacement, or PM06 to tidy up your wiring a bit. We had one of those PM06 units in a quad for years and it worked OK.

Matek PDB-HEX 2-12S PDB not in stock

This work ?

Only current showing in osd ?

Discontinued long ago.
Try this one:

I just noticed that a couple of days ago it should work very well and minimum wiring changes.
Mateksys have got a few new interesting things and I bought a couple to try out when I get a chance, not suitable for a small quad though.
Power Module PM12S-3 and Hall Current sensor 150A

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Yea, they really jumped into AP_Periph and CAN. And it’s nice to a “Ardupilot Compatible” section on the website. Makes it easy for us!

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Today package delivered how wiring for pixhawk ?

2 vx pin , 2 gnd pin ,1 curr pin ,1 1/21 vbat connect to the pixhawk power pin ?

Issues found my fc getting old not working propper
so change fc to matek h743 mini

The soldering needs to be improved, it should flow more and have a shiny finish.
Put some heatshrink on the legs of the capacitor and fold it back over and mount with some double-sided tape on the inductor that says “100”. If you leave the capacitor hanging like that vibrations will make it snap off.

Ya soldring very bad my soldring iron 30watt not proper heat for large pad
Ordered new 80watt
And capacitor temporary mount
After all setup done i will manage propper capacitor position thanks for advice :smirk: