Just to understand some things…
Can I make x8 (or x6) with bdshot Esc on Cube ?
As I read in documentation….
For autopilots with an IOMCU (e.g. Pixhawk, CubeOrange) the Bi-Directional DShot ESCs should be connected to the AUX outputs. On CubeOrange Normal DShot works on all channels. AUX1 cannot be used for Bi-Directional DShot meaning only AUX2 to AUX6 can be used for Bi_directional. (see issue
So on my Cube mini , I have only aux 1 to Aux 6 with aux 1 that can t be used… only quad can be made like that ?
BLHeli Esc connected on the M 1…M 8 outputs will they behave as pwm Esc?
All info makes me happy