Hello friends, I had a bad incident today. There was a short circuit in one of my drones with a cube orange control card and the cube orange got very hot, but this temperature was not normal. Then I couldn’t connect to Cube Orange from my computer, and when I connected it to the computer, the lights were not on. What can I do to restart this control card? It may have caused a problem inside the cube orange. Could the card have put itself into protection mode due to a short circuit in the drone? Or how can I restore the card to factory state? I’m in a competition right now, so I would be very happy if anyone could help me.
Last time I had a orange cube short circuit the only solution is just to replace the orange cube. Good luck
Oh my brother, that cube will be repaired!!
Try Posting on the CubePilot forum.
Thank you, I am writing immediately
Can you first check if the cube itself or the carrier board is defect by crosscheck this with other working modules?
Is it possible for you to open the cuBe and the carrier board?
If there is somethig smeled inside you are not able to repair it by software actions. You have to find the smeled parts and exchange it, are you able to do this?
In the meantime order a new cube and carrier board.