Hi …never had a problem with my setup .
But since the new mag page in missionplanner i have…
Cannot fly my drone ,trouble starts when…see below .
what can it be ?
-----------Thanks for the tips----------compass failures--------SOLVED--------
Hi …never had a problem with my setup .
But since the new mag page in missionplanner i have…
Cannot fly my drone ,trouble starts when…see below .
what can it be ?
-----------Thanks for the tips----------compass failures--------SOLVED--------
That is some kind of issue that occurs with a mismatch between the newer EKF2 heading solution and the older DCM heading solution. Try recalibrating the compass in a clear area. Make sure to move anything such as wires, ferrous metals, and batteries away from the compass. If you are using an external compass (recommended) then I would disable the internal compass as well.
DronWrangler, Thanks . It happened after update to 4.05. I noticed a change in compass priority yesterday.
I use to have 1-ext 2-internal…during crash it was 1-int- 2-ext-and 3?..again the internal.!!.. Update to 4.06 and now have 1=External and 2 is Internal and 3 is gone…did the recalibrate …so time to test again.