Hi! I’m trying to configure the project for esp32 board, and when i run ./waf configure --board esp32s3devkit, I get the following error using WSL:
config.log (4.5 KB)
I tried cygwin too, but there the compiler is not found for esp32 board but if I only run ./waf configure, the compiler is found…
And this is the log for this error above:
config.log (6.2 KB)
After a long research I found the solution.
It was my mistake because i didn’t install ESP-IDF.
So I followed carefully this page: ardupilot/libraries/AP_HAL_ESP32/README.md at master · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub
Pay attention to step 3, it is very important!
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In my case after compiling the software, when I made a change to the configuration file and wanted to recompile, the error was still there so if you want to compile again the software you’ll need to do this steps again:
cd modules/esp_idf
source ./export.sh
And then you can run ./waf configure --board=BOARD_TYPE and ./waf copter or plane to build.
Thank you MicleSergiu your solution very helpful to my work…