Copter uavcan protocol Question

I’m looking to operate a helicopter using my own engine, but ArduCopter doesn’t have engine parameters, and ArduPlane has engine information as parameters under the “ice” item. My engine transmits engine RPM, pressure, coolant temperature, etc. via CAN communication through the governor. I want to use this information via telemetry through the flight controller to check engine parameters in MissionPlanner from my computer. It seems that sensors like Airspeed, when connected via UAVCAN protocol through CAN, display their values in MissionPlanner. So, I want to use UAVCAN to pass this information to the flight controller, but there doesn’t seem to be much information available. I have two questions here:

  1. Is it only possible to work with UAVCAN in C++?
  2. Can I make my governor be recognized as an Airspeed Sensor instead of an Airspeed Sensor on the flight controller, so that I can receive its values in MissionPlanner?