2018-12-10 13-57-33.tlog (539.3 KB)
Leader is a Hexa Copter … and it was hovering at 20m altitude… it has telemetry… and radio controller for emergency …
Follower is a Quad rotor … and the log of this quad rotor is attached above…
The follower has only telemetry link and there was no transmitter and receiver to take manual control…
in mission planner ctrl+F key was pressed and swarm option was selected…
the hexacopter was set as leader
offset was given to the follower…
Since the leader was already in air… ""Arm excluding leader “” was pressed to arm the quad rotor…
it was armed successfully and i pressed “takeoff”… but during takeoff it started to spin and ended in crash…
This is the fourth time for me to crash the followers during swarm…
Please look in to the log and tell me what is the mistake im doing here