Copter-4.5.1 released!

Looks entirely legitimate and correct :frowning:

Would it be possible to send me the non-working one? CUAV have agreed to send you a replacement.

I’m sorry but these FCs are not personally owned by myself.
Other bad ones have been returned to CUAV, maybe you could get one directly from CUAV?

I’ll ask CUAV to contact you to see if we can work out which one

Hi all,
I have been in the habit of recycling FC’s so I do expect issues. Good news is the rebuild went well, Someone told me to copy plane FM over to the copter FM (when things become random) as opposed to reset to default. I think this completely gives you a new Params file once you re-install copter I did a flight today in Stabilize and it was looking good.


Good to hear.

Regarding resetting parameters to their defaults we have a page on the wiki here. Loading a different vehicle’s firmware over the autopilot is one way but there are easier ways like pushing a button in MP. Anyway… whatever works.

Normally i just Reset to Default but was not sure that I was getting 100% clean. The FC was used/recycled out of the
desk. :slight_smile:

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I have found the Pixhawk v6x you returned. Have you changed the IO bootloader? Because the final result of my check is that it uses the wrong IO bootloader. After I wrote the correct bootloader, it has worked normally.

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I have tried updating the bootloader and forcing a flash of the IOMCU.
It looks to me that these operations would not change the IO bootloader.

New quad body overall finished with 5.0.1 installed. Stab flights working well. My old GPS was having issues.

Installed a Loc1 and getting good connections. Will test Loitor today.


Is that 3D printed frame, look’s nice

Yes, thank you, I making a small number of them.

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Is there a way that I can update the correct IO bootloader on the Pixhawk by myself?

I use this STlink mini to update the bootloader:

burn the bootloader file
io-v2_bootloader.bin (4 KB)

Found lot of stranges.

  • Can’t enable OpFlow flight mode on MatekH743 Slim (assembling in VSC and Custom Build server also)
    even “extra.hwdef” not help.

  • Not worked MTF-01 Opflow sensor (found answer in other topic, tomorrow will check)

  • custom build server have lot of bugs in define area. F.e. :

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Hi @poruchik111,

Thanks as always for the reports. @shiv-tyagi is our maintainer for the custom build server and maybe we need to raise an issue here eventually but before that I tried to reproduce the problem but could not. I did this:

  • opened the custom build server and selected “Add a build”
  • selected, “Copter”, “Copter 4.5 stable” and “MatekH743” from the top row
  • opened the Copter section to confirm that “Mode Flowhold” was checked
  • pressed “Generate build”

It seemed to produce the binary OK although I don’t have a board to test it worked.

I also tried selecting the branch to “Latest” and that worked.

I think I will leave @shiv-tyagi and perhaps @peterbarker to investigate this one further.

EDIT: the issue with the MTF-01 flow sensor is that the system id or component id must be changed. The device unfortunately sends sysid=1, compid=1 which conflicts with the autopilot. I will create a wiki page.

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So. Checked today Opflow with 4.4.4./4.5.1/4.6.0 dev
according to

Beginning from 4.5.0. to use Mavlink type Opflow I need set Opflow ID 3/25/158 - doesn’t care.
It start work. And all looks like ok.
But I have No RC in Q-Ground on Siyi MK-32 remote. It use internall virtual COM-port to transfer Mavlink to QGC. So “RC ok” I have few sec in 1 min.
RC in fact present and stable.
Video RTSP is ok.
Siyi FPV programm work well in all combinations.

After I dissconnect OPFLOW- everything ok ( but no Opflow and Rangefinder of course)
Same trouble on 4.4.4 ver if I set any ID but not one (my MTF-01 was set as ID 1).
When ID =1 AP 4.4.4 work well.

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Updated the Y6 to new firmware and all seems well. The Y6 can show mechanical errors quickly and motors cant needs to be correct or you will have a a lot of yaw like a bee, Happy to report a nice flight with stock pids today. Thanks for all the hard work,

The video is in stabilized flight mode in a tight test block. GH010350.MP4 - Google Drive note this is a second flight controler as I could not get Yappu to work on the CZC. Control zero classic.

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Thanks for the feedback and nice to see it flying!