Copter-4.5.1 released!

Hmmn, I tried this and its pretty much impossible to see the messages due to the hassle of connecting. I’ll have a think about what I could do debug-wise to drill into this further.

I’m getting the message: “Pre Arm Generator: No Backend Driver”. Fixed it by loading Plane and then reloading Copter.

Hi @edmarquart,

We have a list of supported generators here on the wiki. Is it one of these?

It is also possible that we have some that have not been added to the list in which case we need to get them added to the wiki. Those other generators would probably also use Lua scripts from this directory.

Instructions for installing Lua scripts are here.

Just an comment, I’ve been running 4.5.1 with TBS Crossfire on a Matek H743-WLITE and there’s been no radio issues. Thanks to the Devs for all the hard work and time!


I was flying a simple mission yesterday and I just noticed there was no JUMP messages in the telemetry. I’ve seen them there before, (prior to 4.5.1) but nothing this time. I’ve attached the mission file below. Command 13 was the jump back to command 2 with unlimited revolutions. Let me know if you want the .bin.

2024-04-12 09:44:38.360 Mission: 11 WP
2024-04-12 09:44:42.740 Reached command #11
2024-04-12 09:44:42.740 Mission: 12 ChangeSpeed
2024-04-12 09:44:42.740 Mission: 2 WP

waypoints_0(1).txt (1.3 KB)

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Hi @Allister,

Thanks for the report, I’ve added it to the 4.5.x issues list.

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I’ve confirmed the bug and created an issue here including with a method of reproducing it in SITL.

It turns out that the bug only appears when the DO_JUMP’s Repeat field is set to 0 or -1. In cases where there is a Repeat value the message appears. The bug is also in 4.4 (and perhaps even earlier).

Please could you try this debug firmware and past the messages it displays from startup - preferably using mavproxy

“Lua: open directory (/APM/scripts) failed.” Not sure if MP issue. My old script directory is not building can’t seem to load VTOL Quicktune the Mavftp no longer has a place to load it.

I have script set to 1.

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@ROSStargh to fix the IOMCU load problem you will have to hold the IOMCU safety switch button while powering on in order to force it to stay in the IOMCU bootloader. Note that the safety button must be on the serial GPS1 connector, CAN will not work. It must be held down at power on.

Hi @Quadzilla,

Txs for the report. I did a quick test and it seems OK to me.

Solved, I have the main directory closed. Sorry.

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BTW are we to turn off EKF2 now using 4.5;1

Hi @Quadzilla,

Yes, EKF2 is no longer available by default in 4.5. The custom build server can still be used if people really want it but there’s no need for it any more. EKF3 does all EKF2 does and more.

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I believe I get the debug messages this time.

I find that the messages display only if the FC gets connected to the GCS within a few seconds after it boots up. Therefore, I have to connect to the mavlink COM port very soon after it pops out. Since I use the USB port to connect. I should have used the telem port to keep a constant connection in the previous attempts.

Here are the messages copied:
1-customFW(normal boot).txt (1.3 KB)
2-customFW(holding down the switch).txt (2.1 KB)
3-customFW(normal boot).txt (872 Bytes)

This is exactly what I did. Unfortunately this does not solve the problem. :cry:

That second log shows a correct/successful upload. Is the third log from the reboot afterwards?

Yes, that is correct.

So the firmware loaded ok but then failed to start. I am wondering whether its not a genuine STM32 part. I know that some of these vendors switched during the shortage. Is it possible to get eyes on the IOMCU chip? You’d have to take the lid off the flight controller.

I took a photo of the IO board: