Copter-4.2.3 released!

No problem at all doing the auto-tune.
Did you check your throttle dead zone as mentioned in the instructions?
…that caused me once or twice the same problem you are having.

RC1_DZ = RC2_DZ = RC4_DZ = 20
RC3_DZ = 30. these are the dead zones I had used before in 4.0.x on other drones.

I am using self-centred sticks RC, RC calibrated, I do not think so.

It won’t hurt to set dead zone to 50 and try again.
You can always change back to your current values once auto-tune has been completed.

See also:

Common Problems

  • If the vehicle will not start tuning (i.e. it won’t twitch) even though it is in AutoTune mode then the problem is likely that the roll, pitch, yaw or throttle sticks are not exactly in the middle. It may help to increase the deadzone on the RC input by increasing RC1_DZ, RC2_DZ, RC3_DZ and RC4_DZ to 50 (or higher).
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Anyone can further explain the different between or how to co-exist the pilot rate and expo which first introduce in 4.2.3.

Acro Yaw Rate and Acro Yaw Expo, when will it be used? Acro flight mode only?

By the way, I have gotten completed the autotune by advice after changing some of the default values.

Anyone can further explain the different between or how to co-exist the pilot rate and expo which first introduce in 4.2.3.

The rate parameter is the maximum rotational speed in degrees per second
The expo parameters is how fast it gets there - so low expo the response is more linear, high expo the response will be much quicker at the stick edges

Acro Yaw Rate and Acro Yaw Expo, when will it be used? Acro flight mode only?

In manual modes - so acro and stabilize

So is like speed (rate) and acceleration (expo).