Hello guys, I’ve tested this version (4 auto missions, 30 minutes) and it has fixed the problem with lightware lw20, its working properly.
But now the copter wont go further than 7.5m/s, my mission has a DO_CHANGE_SPEED = 10m/s, I have checked everything that it related with speed without sucess, in all missions the top speed was 7.5m/s.
I dont know if it is a bug from 4.1.1 but I cant extract flight logs via mavlink, it takes forever. In 4.0.7 was normal.
starting with master (actually my Y4 PR) and defaults on Pixracer:
works on MP, not PC QGC or phone QGC, they do not download params but do connect…
then disable UART1 RTS/CTS and power cycle:
same, no improvement
then loaded Copter 4.1
same no improvement
then loaded Copter 4.0.6
everything works fine
however, the 8266 module provided by mRo does not have the web interface, so its probably stock
will try to reflash tomorrow, run out of time today
but since this is problem in 4.1 its an existing issue I suppose