MavFTP & Arduplane 4.1.2 >> parameters do not load

Hi @tridge

1)No, at the moment I am not connected to any flight controller
2)No WIFI module
3) I have been using the same connection TCP as @Aticof IP ADDRESS: PORT: 14550

I have been using to simulating the missions without any connections via serial port.

On windows as @rmackay9 suggested I reinstalled the mission planner and found that
when I am trying to connect mission planner with SITL

It is unable to run fetch the parameters

and even when connected to it somehow even when armed it wont takeoff [must be due to unable to load parameters]

I cant run mission planner from the simulation window as it never connects and give the following errors

I tried to see on the Mavproxy console it shows the following errors

Preflight storage failed should not be the case if I am not connected to the external hardware I assume!!

For linux
I am facing this issues
It tries to connect the through udp then

I see this and just after that it pushes for firmware 4.1.2 blackedout window and mission planner crashes

and the other windows look like this

Considering I have had mission planner working on both the systems before and I was able to simulate my flight plans.

considering the facts: I have everything updated to the latest versions on both ubuntu 18.04 and windows.

If you need any further information I would be happy to share.

Thanks and Regards