Copter-4.0.4-rc1 released for beta testing


For the MP stability issues, I can’t personally give any help beyond suggesting to go to the Help screen and “Check for Updates” or “Check for BETA updates”. I’ve ping’d a note to MichaelO to have a look at the errors in the screenshot above and hopefully he’ll have some advice.

EDIT: Michael has reproduced the issue (click the down button on the last item in the list) and a fix should be coming soon, thanks for the report!

Regarding GPS connection and chobby/flyaway flights. If you’ve got an onboard log I’d like to see it. There really shouldn’t be any tuning differences between Copter-4.0.3 and 4.0.4 so I’d like to investigate.

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Regarding the automatically learn offsets it only shows up in a old version of MP not in Beta. The flyaway is because i can’t seem to calibrate my GPS my only fix it to use automatically learn offsets in a old version of MP… I am a bit at a loss even hitting accept during a calibrate fails to save. I back to 4.03 for now. but will give it a new shot soon. Here is todays Test flight using the Location one GPS:


If the compass calibration fails then there are a few methods to try and fix it:

  1. Reduce the Fitness to “Relaxed”
  2. Set the COMPASS_AUTO_ROT to “0” to disable automatic orientation feature.

If none of this helps then we probably need to see a log… probably a tlog but an onboard log (with COMPASS_DISARMED = 1) might work.

Txs for testing this beta!

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Hey @rmackay9
But CubePurple doesn’t have heated IMU. Should i still set it to 45?
I’ll post flight logs in some time.

Thanks for confirming, I’m not sure how long after receiving I will try it, I haven’t decided on a telemetry options yet. I wanted Dragonlink but that is a bit of a pain getting hold of in the UK, so I think I am going to go with TBS Crossfire instead. This will be my first Autopilot set up as my other helicopter came with the ACE One already on. So I am no expert … we will see.

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Before going to crossfire check comments on this forum. I think it has problem with mavlink.

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Hi Simon try RFD rock solid and available from here great service helpful and fast delivery


Aha! I didn’t realise that. I suspect it doesn’t matter what it’s set to then but I’ll check with the other developers at next Tue’s developer meeting or perhaps before then.

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Thank you, looking forward to see what they’ll deliver.

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Yea perfect.

If you want any help with the documentation for this please let me know ore than happy to help.

If anyone has access to a couple of UBlox F9 GPSs it would be interesting to see if you can get “GPS for Yaw” (also known as “Moving Baseline”) working. We’ve just created a wiki with setup instructions here.

Just read the wiki, the only thing that fears me a bit is using EKF3. Is it safe to use at least as EKF2?


I also have the CUAV rtk 9p coming with my X7 Pro. I belive that is based on the ublox f9. As I said I’m no expert, but if I can get it all flying I will be happy to this feature.
However reading the wiki, I realise that I would require two gps’s so perhaps at a later date.


This is a very good point and perhaps we should add a warning to the wiki. The EKF3 is basically safe and many Open Solo users have been using it for nearly 2 years with few complaints. Still, there are some issues with the EKF3. For example in Copter-4.0.x I think it may twitch in yaw a little bit as it first climbs above 2m (this is when the EKF yaw reset happens).

By the way, Copter-4.1 will use the EKF3 by default.

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With regards to mission planner as well some basic instruction on the page a legend below the selection could help users work out what is what to setup.

For instance

SPI = Likely Internal Compass device on Autopilot.
I2C = Most likely external via GPS 1/ GPS 2 or connected to I2C Port.
CAN = External CAN Device.

While I know SPI can also be extenral I would think anyone setting up external sensors would know it’s going to be different. Just something to help people along.


Hey @rmackay9
Did some flights with this beta. Ran Autotune and did terrain follow mission.

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So crossfire has this mode 1 (50hz) mode 2 (150hz) thing… Full telemetry only works in mode 2.
Mode 2 only works when you are only a few meters away from the vehicle or in otherwise ideal conditions. You’ll usually be in mode 1. And in mode 1 you get a limited set of telemetry. GPS, battery, current, attitude, some others… I’ve never seen a list. The HUD still works, you know GPS coordinates, so it’s good enough for me. But it’s not full telemetry.

Otherwise it’s great for mid-range flight. Regular frsky 2.4 stuff was only working up to about 100 meters in my area. I go 4 to 6 kilometers w/ crossfire all the time w/out any signs of trouble.

Question about that Randy @rmackay9 . I noticed with a fresh default install of V4.1.0-dev that EKF3 is enabled but on another FC where I updated from V4.0.X-dev to V4.1.1-dev it’s disabled as it was prior to the update. What’s the best course of action here in that circumstance? This is on a test multirotor so I’m not worried about issues with Master.

I’ve got copters I’ve been updating since 3.0, and recently realized I’m missing a lot of updated parameters. A lot of things are at zero, or quite far off from values on the copters I’ve simply installed new versions on.

I am thinking the best option might be to back up your parameters, then restore them to the higher version.
Although, some parameters are “converted” and have their values changed, so I’m not sure what to do about that. Might have to update. Save. Reset params to default, then compare params to see what you want to copy over. And in the case of EKF, if you customized any params for ek2, those are different parameter names than the ek3 parameters.

Hmm. I’m also curious of the ‘best’ way to update.

I am thinking of doing just that but it’s a bit of an operation. But, that’s what this particular craft is all about.

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