Copter-4.0.4-rc1 released for beta testing

I recommend reset params to default if you reverting to 4.03 or use a very basic pre saved one like i did that had the BLH dhsot settings.

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There is no going back to Stable on a couple of my craft,some features donā€™t exist. And if using a pre-saved parameter file personally I donā€™t think itā€™s wise to ā€œload from fileā€. Not sure if thatā€™s what you meant. Compare parameter files and update them manually is a better approach IMO.


Where do you have this information from? Any documentation about this?

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Experience. TBS just says it supports mavlink, end of documentation.
I spent months complaining to support about the ā€œissuesā€ of not having full telemetry, and even through all the tens of back and forth emails, never got them to admit itā€™s crippled in 50hz mode.
But ask anyone using crossfire w/ mavlinkā€¦ This is how it is.

SOā€¦ as usual w/ the hobby RC businessā€¦ Nothing but lies lies lies from the manufacturers.

But like I said, otherwise itā€™s great. No other option can get me this kind of range with equipment as small and light as crossfireā€¦ Iā€™m flying 80 gram microcopters (w/out battery), and no other ā€˜long rangeā€™ system is an option.

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Iā€™m using Crossfire with Mavlink telemetry for four years now.

Shure, it isnā€˜t perfect, but quite usable. And I can agree, that Crossfire seems to discard messages depending to bandwith. But Iā€˜m quite sure that it is not as simple as you described. But we are getting offtopic, sorry.

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It really is pretty simpleā€¦
Itā€™s not random about which messages it ignores and when it does it. It drops everything other than a select few. Someone on the crossfire forum has it figured out and has a document about which are still transmitted. Itā€™s not manyā€¦ just the basics to know your position and battery level.
And if you log your crossfire messages in your RC transmitter, you can seeā€¦ As soon as it drops into mode 2, it stops transmitting full telemetry. No mystery or anything.

If you force 150hz mode, full telemetry will keep working, but your range will be severely decreased. I get about 300 meters in my area w/ force 150.

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I did learn (from Henry Wurzburg) that the reason my bench test FC only showed EKF3 is because itā€™s a 1Mb board with the Pixhawk1-1M firmware. EKF2 is gone from those targets.


Please move the TBS Crossfire information to a new thread. It will be easier to find for other people. Once that is done I will contribute with my own findings and experience with their technical support

Basically I had a lot of issues with -rc1 so i removed the beta and just flashed 4.03. I had a vanilla config that was used to do dshot motor assignment in 4.03 and I was back to flying as the motors spun. Normally revert back to Default but the assignments where programmed along with the RCMapā€¦so it was not a issue. Everything is back to normal and now i building a Control zero bird.


I think at this point with master you can fly with either EKF2 or EKF3 safely and there probably wonā€™t be much difference in behaviour. As you probably already know it is really 3 parameters that control which is used: AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 2 or 3, EK2_ENABLE and EKF3_ENABLE and you can just update them manually to use the one that youā€™d like to fly with.

At the moment with master some of the boards with less flash and memory are defaulting to EKF3 while most are still on EKF2. If you are happy to give EKF3 a try then that sounds good to me.

By the way I donā€™t recommend in general that Copter 4.0.x users use EKF3 because although itā€™s general safe it is missing the ekf position and attitude reset handling (issue is here).


Thanks for the suggestion re clarifying the bus on the MP screen. Iā€™ve passed it onto MichaelO.


Thanks for testing out this release. I see youā€™ve hit a few issues but thereā€™s not a lot of detail and I donā€™t see any log files. I suspect (but donā€™t know of course) that multiple things are being changed on the vehicle beyond just the firmware. We really need to separate the software change from the vehicle and environment changes in order to narrow down where the issues are.

Randy, can you sum whatā€™s changing with EKF3 towards to 2, in terms of advantages?

Most of the time i use new FCā€™s that comes with Plane dev pre burned during the build i have to choose what firmware to use for copter stable or dev or rc-1. after flashing i noticed if f I tilt the FC front the side, the HUD would roll the wrong direction. fashing 4.3 fixed the issue. and with the exception of having the green bars fail during compass calibration things where normal. Since i like to test I flashed to rc1 and setup dshor1200 and all was well but the compass took a long time to get a lock and would page in and out of stable flight and Loitor the flight seem choppy calibration of the GPS did not work and if i hit accept the offsets would not save, . when rolling back to 4.03 I lost he ability to spin the motors when armed, deleting the config allowed me to get the motors working. I still had the green bar shut down but the accept button worked still not good so i used the in flight learn offset and good to go. regarding the GPS calibration The GPS is in the body and not on a mast so i assume this is adding to the calibration prob. Why i think Learn offsets could remain and not removed in future builds. When rc-2 comes out i give that a stab.


Weā€™ve got a blurb here on the wiki re the difference between EKF2 and EKF3. In general for Copter-4.0.x (and earlier) itā€™s best to stick with EKF2 unless thereā€™s a really good reason to use EKF3.