Copter-4.0.1 released!

Damm, the CH 7-10 Opt dropdown issue returned.

Hello! I wanted to say thank you so much for your quick answers to me! Unfortunately I couldnā€™t answer you right away! Perhaps I havenā€™t flown a copter for a long time and could forget something or mix it up so I didnā€™t understand the result of autotrim. Today I repeated the flight and setup and everything seemed to work out! And also made separately on pitch and roll autotune! Everything worked out but you still need to fine tune! I will send you a log file link in my personal message!

i meŠ°n autotrim! But I think Iā€™ve already figured out!

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The MPā€™s extended tuning auxiliary function drop-down issue can usually be fixed by updating the MP. One way to do that is to use MPā€™s Help screen and at the bottom there are a couple of update buttons. If this fails for some reason then Iā€™d raise an issue in the MP issues list.

Why not use the RFD900x for both control and telemetry ?

Look into the TXMOD if you have a JR style slot on the back of your TX.

Updated CubeBlack with AC 4.0.1 chibios - after powering down cannot connect via usb port (both - one in the cube itself and the off of the speaker cable). tried QGC and MP - same result.

my system does not present usb port with CUbe conected
maciek@maciek-ubuntu:~$ ls -lstra /dev/|grep USB

matek f405 wing and matek f765 wing work fine after upgrade


I think the most likely causes of being unable to connect are:

  • incorrect firmware was loaded onto the flight controller. It might help to either go back to the last known working firmware that was on the board (Copter-3.6.12?) or manually download arducopter.apj from the appropriate folder on (CubeBlack is here)
  • missing drivers on the PC. This might be corrected by uninstalling and re-installing MP.
  • hardware failure on the flight controller itself

Hi maciek sir will you help me
4.0.1 heli after update firmware on pix4 mini (holly bro) it donā€™t allow heli setup page on mission planner
its like dead page can not click

disregard maciek my question to rmackay9

sir will you help me
4.0.1 heli after update firmware on pix4 mini (holly bro) it donā€™t allow heli setup page on mission planner
its like dead page can not click