Copter-3.6.0-rc6 available for beta testing

exactly what I have found, was wondering if it was a ChibiOS thing seems it might just be 3.6 as a whole

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when i first flashed chibios into pixracer it did not work, then i had it working on that build to perform the calibration, so, at some moment in time MP was working correctly with it.

you could try using mavproxy, the command is compassmot.

I found it still failed but it give some more information and excludes any MP incompatibility.
I started a issue here:

Paul, Pete,

OK, thanks for the report on the broken compassmot. Iā€™ve added it to the list so we will investigate and sort it out!

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hi Randy,

here is link to a log from a last flight i did. it is too much for me to understand, so i posted a log here.
first issue - it is not new, per se, for rc6 - but i see a lot of ā€˜gps glitchā€™ messages. i do not see any issues with gps feed, so not sure what is the glitch message about.

but it is a minor issue. major issue - i had drone connected to the tower app all that time. it refused to cooperate to work in the guided mode. i tried the ā€˜aboveā€™ and the ā€˜leashā€™ mode - no use. drone did not even try to change position. other gps mdes all worked - RTL worked, pos hold was fine, visually i saw no issues.

LAND & BRAKE commands from tower worked fine as well. i do not know if it is a bug or a feature or paramters issues, just want to report the fact and her is the log:

does AC3.6.x work with Pixhawk5 FMUv5? if so how is the firmware loaded, having no luck using MP or QC

I think this is a MP issue but I reporting it here as well.

Does anyone know if the omnibus f4 pro corner is supported? Would it be the same as the omnibus f4 pro? (I ask because the ā€˜cornerā€™ version has an isolated gyro, and I wonā€™t have any other vibration damping on this little copter).

And similarlyā€¦ Does anyone know if this will work on the Asgard v2 all in one (with ESC) fc? I saw it posted somewhere that it uses the omnibus f4 target, too. But I donā€™t know how similar all these omnibus f4ā€™s really areā€¦


-Editing to answer my questionsā€¦
It looks like the corner should work, as it has all the same pin assignments, etc.
It looks like the Asgard v2 doesnā€™t have enough I/O available on the board for compass/GPS/telem, etc.

But, the asgard32 f4 does, and would be a great all in one board for arducopter! Unfortunately, I think it doesnā€™t work w/ the standard omnibus f4 target.

And I might as well ask all my betafight style board questions at onceā€¦
Does the 512kb limit of the omnibus f7 actually cause any limitations? Most of the f7 boards only have 512, though I did fine at least one w/ the 1meg chip.

Thanks again.

with omnibus f7 it is confusing to me, as i also saw it online saying it has 512kb flash. but - any 3.6 flash is bigger than 512kb - so this f7 cannot have 512kb flash in order to work it has to be 1mb. so, something does not match.

i am playing with kakute f7 aio and like it a lot. i think it is a better design than omnibus.

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The kakute definitely has the 1m chipā€¦ I looked at the photos online, and it has the G versions of the f7. The omnibus appears to have the 512kb chip on the photoā€™s Iā€™ve seenā€¦ But I donā€™t have a board.

I really want to purchase a board and build a micro arducopterā€¦ Iā€™ve been leaning towards the kakute f7, but was browsing the dev chat and it looks like it has a couple issues. Dshot isnā€™t working due to a hardware thingā€¦ But it looks like betaflight was able to overcome the issue in code. And it looks like the SD card isnā€™t working. Hopefully that board is a priority for someone, and theyā€™re working it out :).

Iā€™m also really interested in the omnibus micro port, I think it was HWurzburg was working on. 20x20 would be nice.
(Iā€™ve been waiting a long time for a realistic micro arducopter option, and am very excited for the recent developments. Thanks to everyone involved!)

I wish to test the Joystick override switch on my RC, does anyone know how to set this up?

sd card issue was fixed, last week. it was code. dshot - still out there, but in my opinion it is not critical, as oneshot125 works fine. plus, when i tried it with pixracer - it also did not work, so it is more there than just a board issue. none of those non-pixhawk boards are perfect, but so far i tend to prefer kakute over omnibus, due to the way it is built - the f7 AIO version. it is quite a simple straight forward build.

i wish matek would make a proper f7 AIO version of its board as well.

@Nando can you please re-test with the latest master build? I have recently updated the DShot and blheli code there


Yes, after updating the Pixracer to rc7 my Blheli-S esc doesnā€™t show any strange behavior on Dshot 150.
Thank you and all developers.