Copter-3.6.0-rc3/-rc4 is available for beta testing


Thanks for the report.

I guess this is a new vehicle setup so the FS_THR_VALUE being too high and compass inconsistency are probably somewhat normal setup issue. The compass inconsistency is probably because of metal in the frame interfering with the internal compass. Turning off the internal compass (COMPASS_USE2 = 0) is a good solution especially once you’re pretty sure that the external compass is pointing in the correct direction.

Another tester (Brandon Macdougal) has also reported issues with the SiK radio so it is on our list to look into.

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thanks for the report. This is too much to process in this thread so I’ve created a new thread (in the Copter-3.6 category) to dig into this.


Thanks for the report and the logs.

BRD_SAFETYENABLE has been set to “0” so the safety switch has been disabled. Maybe set that to “1” and hopefully it will work.

I think AutoTune isn’t doing anything because it is seeing some pilot input on the yaw channel. I think it’s yaw input because the channel 4 input is about 1498 but the RC4_MIN is 1100 and RC4_MAX is 2000. So that would mean the mid is about 1550. Maybe an RC calibration is required.

It’s not too important but to keep things clear I think it is in AutoTune from “5:32:51.671” to “5:33:02.725” which is about 11 seconds.

Thanks again for testing and reporting back, it really helps!

Gal, @Quadzilla,

Tridge and I have found the SiK radio issue and we’ve got a fix that we will release as part of -rc5. I imagine we will release this in a couple of days after Copter-3.5.6 is out.

EDIT: until then you can temporarily set SERIALx_BAUD to “57600” instead of “57” and it should work.

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Good news I relay appreciate you guys look into this!!!

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Hi, I’ve been testing 3.6.0-rc4 on a MatekF405-Wing. It generally flies and works beautifully using dshot150. I’ve had two problems yet to resolve:

  • Frsky and frsky passthrough doesn’t work. I’ve tried multiple UARTs. What’s weird is that a normally working flvss smartport voltage sensor works fine until Ardupilot is added to the smartport bus, at which point the bus stops working.
  • A 3DR GPS/Compass (of the original pixhawk vintage) is detected and functions, except that I could not work out a correct orientation for the compass. Because of this there was a lot of EKF variance errors and yaw resets, which then makes simple/super-simple impossible to use.
  • A Here/Hex GPS/Compass/LED unit seems to crash the i2c bus. It initially works and you can see the mag and gps data, but at random time periods the LED either shuts off or shuts on permanently and the mag data stops. The GPS data continues.

Thanks for everyone’s work on the Chibios port, it will revolutionise the userbase of Ardupilot!

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@rmackay9 thank you and @tridge for resolving that so fast :+1:


Currently running master with a custom hwdef.dat to get 3 uarts on revo-mini, frsky passthrough telm, wifi telm and gps. Its working well, Tridge fixed the compass orientation so no longer getting compass problems when rotating it about with the motors un powered. However often get ekf failsafes when flying, due i think to compass interference. Hard to remedy on a 180 size quad, everything has to be close together. When it goes into loiter correctly it is extremely good.

I have fitted a current sensor with the hope of doing a compass mot calabration. However when i try from either mistion planner or Qgroundcontroll. It just says failed.

Have tryed through the MP command line too but it just returns rubbish.

Any ideas?



I did not see ChibiOS FW support for hardware “f4light_Revolution” in the update log. Is it common to a hardware motherboard, or is it currently not supported? Are there any specific schedules and plans?


I haven’t tested compassmot recently but it should still work. Of course you’re followed the instructions here on the wiki?

I saw the new 3.6RC has many changes to the Marvelmind beacon so I installed it.
I Installed RC5,
For some reason there is no BCN configuration at all on the parameters list/tree .
Is it working on RC4? how can i get it? it is not on the “pick previous firmware”.


If you’re not seeing BCN_ parameters and you’re using a Pixhawk family board then the issue is probably that somehow the -v2 version of the firmware is being loaded onto the board.

To add some detail, we have “-v2” versions of the Pixhawk firmware for boards with the 1MB flash limit (this is a hardware issue that affects a lot of older Pixhawks). Then we have the “-v3” firmware for boards that have 2MB of flash and can thus fit more features.

I guess you’re using the MP so it should have loaded the -v3 onto the board if it can. I think there are at least two options:

  1. download the Copter-3.6.0-rc5 firmware directly from (download “ArduCopter-v3.px4”) and then use the MP’s “Load Custom Firmware” link to upload to the board
  2. switch to the ChibiOS builds which are significantly smaller so we can easily fit all features even on the boards suffering from the 1MB limit. Instructions for uploading the ChibiOS firmware is here.
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When you switch into the new loiter mode from stabalize the deceleration can be quite rapid and there is a parameter to adjust this. I have also noticed that if you are hovering in a strong wind in Alt Hold then switch to loiter it can abe abrupt.

David Ardis

Of course, not ruling out any rookie mistakes though, I’m using EKF3 and EKF auto compass learning i guess this shouldn’t make any difference?

I guess it could be a mission planner ChibiOS interface issue.


Do you have a log I can look at that shows the aggressive breaking?


I should have a log but would it be more helpful if i did you a video as well so you could see what it was doing well.

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A video would be great with the log to go with it!!


David, is this helicopter or multicopter? Me and Leonard figured out different settings for helicopter for New Loiter and those settings are currently in the form of a param file. Just want to make sure, as if you are flying heli you will definitely want to load that param file or it won’t work right.

Chris it a Multirotor at the moment Heli has no flight controller as its in the Quadplane

mRo radio does not connect using ChibiOS

Frame: HEXA
fmuv3 001A0034 33365109 36353335
ChibiOS: e7b6334c
ArduCopter V3.6.0-rc5 (2301b196)

Edit: will move issue to RC -5 directory.