Hi Luis,
I’ve created the wiki describing how to upload the ChibiOS firmware now. The fmuv3 firmware is the one to use for the Pixhawk1 and Pixhawk2/Cube boards. The only real difference between the “fmuv2” and “fmuv3” is that “fmuv2” has a few less features so that it can fit onto the older Pixhawks with the 1MB limit. The ChibiOS builds are all below 1MB so even the fully features firmware fits on the older Pixhawks now.
Re OctaCopters on DShot, my understanding is that we want to enable DShot for the main outputs (which actually are run from the Pixhawk’s I/O chip) but it hasn’t been done yet. I’ve added an issue here.
P.S. when was the last time we heard of a piece of software getting smaller?!