Hello everyone, i’m trying to control my rover’s movement using the ros topic /mavros/rc/override. unfortunately i wasn’t able to do so. i used the normal rc controller to check which channel its using to steer, in the /mavros/rc/out topic i can see that the first channel is changing when i steer the rover with the controller. this is the code im using to send the override messages.
# Set RC channels for steering
steering_channel = 0
throttle_channel = 2
# Define steering and throttle values for spinning
spin_speed = 1750 # Spin right
throttle_value = 1500 # Center position (no throttle)
# Start spinning
start_time = rospy.Time.now()
while (rospy.Time.now() - start_time).to_sec() < 3.0: # Spin for 3 seconds
# Set steering to spin right
msg = OverrideRCIn()
msg.channels[steering_channel] = 0
msg.channels[throttle_channel] = 1750
it sends the value 1750 to the first channel of /mavros/rc/override but the rover spining. Any idea whats the problem? thank you.