Control RunCam Split 4 video recording from a radio transmitter

Sorry, I’m a little confused - I’m always using dev versions, and with those I’ve been using RunCam Control with Hybrid for months already? Do you mean checking versions before/after June 9th with the Hybrid or the Split 4k?

On June 9th a PR of mine was merged that fixed some issues with better support for RunCam hybrids. So I want to ascertain if that PR is the cause of your issues on the 4k. So whatever is not working for you try it either side of that PR.

Ah I see. It looks like there were no new versions between June 8th and June 14th ( so I’ll now be comparing those.

EDIT: Sorry, I forgot that I have taken my radio apart to replace some sliders, so I’ll have to finish that first (unless there is a way to simulate the channel switches in MP?).

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Confirmed, RunCam Control (start/stop at least) with Split 4k stopped working on June 9th.

Working: commit 30029f59db19e03a59545baa7cccaa6e3a856aad from June 8th

Not working: commit 08b8a43ab583301b0f1de358d8a0273caf97e24b from June 14th

BTW, I have not yet tried a Hybrid with a version that includes your PR. I could do that tomorrow if you want, as I’ll be working on a plane with a Hybrid anyway.

Do you have CAM_RC_TYPE set to 3? If so just as an experiment can you set it to 4? I can only see one line that can be responsible but I don’t understand why.

I just wanted to try this and found that there are no CAM_RC parameters available at all in commit 08b8a43ab583301b0f1de358d8a0273caf97e24b from June 14th…?

Ah, tridge removed the runcam feature around the 14th on the matek, it got put back on the 16th - so you need to try a build from the 16th or later

Ok, it was all false alarm I guess. After start/stop was working on versions from 16th and 20th, I got suspicious and flashed today’s one - works.

But along the way I discovered that it’s really necessary to power down the board before checking for changes - which I hadn’t done before. Because the OLED display continued to work even with today’s version and I knew this couldn’t be. After cold reboot it went dark, but start/stop still worked.

So while it was all bit of a waste of time, one thing learned at least. :wink:

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Display has been re-enabled in master

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Fantastic, thanks! :partying_face:

@andyp1per OT again, but if you have the time, could you take a look at Two sensor problems/questions - External Baro + External Compass ? I’m especially wondering if the 2-baro curve is supposed to look like this.

I have the original problem with getting the runcam split 4 to switch on off video from my tx.
My parameters don’t include

I can only find cam_type etc.

Is my firmware out of date? It’s a speedybee f405 wing and I thought I flashed the latest arduplane firmware.

Please advise. Thanks

Runcam may be compile out for space - you might have to use the custom build server to get it @hwurzburg FYI

Runcam is not included in std SpeedyBeeF405 Wing firmware…use the to make a version with it included.

Thanks for the suggestion. I am attempting to do such a custom build removing all I don’t need adding runcam features. However build failed twice. Grateful for any tips! When it fails can I rework it or start again?

Looks like you chose ACNS-CM4Pilot instead of SpeedyBeeF405 Wing.

Hmm I thought I chose the f405wing but it came out wrongly

Ok so I’ve succeeded building . Now how do I get it to flash my FC?


Well I got the build done including runcam control and flashed the resultant download to the FC. Finally found cam1_rc_type in the find menu of standard parameters. I don’t understand why that doesn’t appear in the full parameter list. Anyway I can now switch video recording on/off with a switch. Thanks for everyone’s help!