Control RGB LED on IOMCU or FMU output without DMA?

I am having a challenge with my Pixhawk 6X Pro (on most recent arducopter) while trying to control 4 individually wired NeoPixel LEDs (LUA + serialLED) alongside four motors using AM32 ESCs.
My hardware setup includes the Pixhawk 6X Pro as the flight controller, connected to 4 AM32 ESCs, and 4 individual NeoPixel LEDs. The outputs in use are Motors on FMU Outputs 1-4 (Servo Channels 9-12) and NeoPixels on FMU Outputs 5-8 (Servo Channels 13-16).

I want to be able to use AM32(BLHELI) passthrough for configuring my ESCs, and it only works when the motors are connected to the FMU outputs (Servo 9-12). I tried moving the motors to the IOMCU outputs (Servo 1-8) but that causes AM32 passthrough to not work.
Since the IOMCU supports BDSHOT i thought it would be possible to get passthrough as well. (maybe not possible?)

I attempted to connect the NeoPixels to FMU outputs 5-8 (Servo 13-16) and control them with lua scripting. However, Servo outputs 15 and 16 lack DMA support and the script throws the error message: “Chan 15 to 16, PWM: failed, no DMA.”, which results in only 2 out of 4 neopixels to work and the other 2 being off.

I then tried connecting the NeoPixels to the IOMCU outputs (Servo 1-4) and modified my Lua script accordingly. However, I received the following error in the script execution: “Lua: /APM/scripts/neopixel_control.lua:32: Failed.” (maybe its not possible to control IOMCU pins with lua?)

Originally i just assigned the LED servo outputs to “Neopixel 1” before i tried lua scripting with the same results.

Am I missing something or is the only way to move the motors to the IOMCU ond the LED’s to FMU and just accept the fact that I wont be able to use AM32 passthrough?

No, I don’t think you can control Neopixel LEDs on IOMCU pins.

Yes, you can move the motors to IOMCU, and DSHOT is now supported there, but I think you are wasting IO pins on LEDs.

Each LED should have a data in and data out connection. You can connect all of their data pins together in series and control them on a single FMU pin, which is the typical installation strategy.