Below is the connection to the range finder. I am using SUI04 as the range finder. I am currently stuck on the setting on mission planner. Is the address auto detect or am i missing something?
Which I2C address should i use and also the RNGFND_TYPE.
Range finder section in setup section is also disabled… I am not able to select which range finder type.
i got the same issue. i tried using the manual Parameters Setup - RadioLink SUI04 User Manual [Page 14] | ManualsLib
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It seems like normal mission planner cannot support this sensor. As the link Parameters Setup - RadioLink SUI04 User Manual [Page 14] | ManualsLib. This mission planner is developed for radiolink. So i opt for other range finder instead: GY-US42V2 GY-US42v2 Sonar — Copter documentation. as it have the option to change its address to cater for multiple range finders.