Config Error: INS: unable to initialise driver, Config Error: fix problem then reboot

I have a HolyBro Kakute H7 Mini. I crashed my quadcopter and it seems to have messed something up on the flight controller.

When I plug it in and connect on mission planner, I get this error:
Config Error: INS: unable to initialise driver
Config Error: fix problem then reboot

I’ve tried reflashing the firmware on MissionPlanner and using STM32CubeProgrammer with no change to the errors.

Then I realized that one of the chips on the board was getting really hot when the board was on. It was the LDO. I took it off and replaced it with one that I’m pretty confident is working, from another broken HolyBro Kakute H7 Mini.

After I did that, the LDO no longer got hot, but now the STM32 on the board gets pretty hot after a minute or so. And I still have the same config error on MissionPlanner.

One interesting thing is that when the board is in DFU mode, the STM32 stays cool.

Is this a software/firmware issue or is my board just cooked?

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