Config Error:Failed to update IO Firmware

I am getting “Config Error:Failed to update IO Firmware” after flashing Ardupilot V4.2.3 via mission planner and above on my pixhawk cube orange+.I tried booting using safety button,but it did not help.

I am using Here 3+ GPS,all params other than NTF_LED_TYPES have been saved successfully but when I write this param gives me the error :"Set NTF_LED_TYPES Failed.


The GPS is still lighting all the LEDs(purple,yellow,green)

Hello @Uditi , welcome to the community,

Please update to ArduCopter 4.4.3 and retest.

Thanks for replying !
I started with ardupilot 4.4.3 but it gave the same error so went back to previous versions

By now you found that this is not a regression and as such not fixable by using an outdated software version.

That I did, I was just trying out different things, just to see if anything would work because I couldn’t get any solution anywhere.

I have same problem with OrangePlus+ after did more 10 good flight, after day, drone returned that msg and nothing is doing more !
I update new firmware, return to my origin firmware, nothing. I think that is internal error !

hello, any solution here ? i’m having the same problem

Try QGroundControl and flash Arducopter latest Stable. Not this 4.2 version you posted in.

i just did it, no hope, by the way now it can’t connect to mission planner, it seams it’s not booting correctly.

Press and hold the safety switch while rebooting

did it so many times, then power off/on again, no hope.

my problem now is that the cude doesn’t want to connect !
if i install PX4, it runs great, (but without main outputs)
i can’t connect to mission planner !

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