Compass no longer detected in Ardupilot

Ardupilot(Ver. 4.3.5) is no longer seeing my Matek M8Q-5883 GPS with Compass. Specifically the compass portion. Ardupilot sees the GPS with no issue.
So in my troubleshooting process how can I tell if Ardupilot is seeing the signals from the compass i.e. a hardware/cable issue or is it a software issue (Something I have messed up in Ardupilot).
To give more context, I updated to Ver. 4.3.5 yesterday right before I tried to calibrate the compass. Additionally, I just finished installing a DJI camera and was working with the different UARTs/serial ports on my H743 Wing. I have re-looked at all the serial ports and they look to be set up properly but I could easily be missing something.
Thanks in advance for your help and insight.


I have an issue where the compass is not detected after powering on a 900MHz telemetry radio. It seems the telemetry radio is causing interference, so maybe something similar is happening for you? Try powering off the air unit to see if it helps.

Chris thank you for your reply. It ended up being a bad solder job on one of the Dupont 2.54 pins for the compass which caused a bad connection the Matek board. Soldering on such small spaces is definitely something of an art I’m still working on.