Compass Motor Calibration for interferance

Found a few things,

  1. External compass seems to be more sensitive to interference than internal. Make sense.
  2. Trying to find the best spot for my gps and external compass vs power lines, it is almost about 13cm above my FC for best insulating it against interference. My drone from side to side is less than 30cm. WTF.
    3)Tried other shielding method, almost all had little effects at all.
  3. Reading the manual it says its a calibration and not NOT recomended… Oh no.

Anyone had any bright ideas that I can better test for interference without subjecting my drone to possibly a high risk of droping from the sky?

How did you got the conclusion of topic 1? In general, the internal compasses struggle more with interfence.

Regarding the compassmot calibration, I used it a lot with good results, but I guess ardupilot community do not recommend it because of the high risk of hurting someone in the procedure if not done properly, specially with bigger drones.

But I also know that today most people uses the magfit calibration to measure the coefficients to compensate for electrical interference.


As @BrunoBagarini suggests use Magfit. It should be the default method after doing a typical crude mag cal just to get it in the air. The tool will show you how the compensation will be applied. All you have to do is fly around and do some figure 8’s with a bit of varying throttle.


I run the compass motor calibration with internal and then with external compass. My internal doesn’t seems to have a problem despite nearer to the power cable, external would require a 13cm height to get an almost same effect. I assume its because the External is more sensitive. Actually the manufacturer did mentioned that the gps antenna(which my external compass is in) is very sensitive and sceptical to interference. I assume thats why. It probably makes alot more sense considering where internal compass is position.

By sensitive I mean the magnetic sensor more sensitive.

Will try that. This sounds good.

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