I am using a Pixhawk 2.1 cube with Here GNSS and connecting it with a raspberry pi to send dronekit commands through the telem2 port. Now this is giving me a bad compass error and the magfield value in the status tab of Mission Planner just freezes. Pixhawk just stops reading the Here compass data. This happens as soon as I connect the pi to the telem2 port. I have a 3DR telemetry module connected to the telem1 port so I am using the telem2 port to connect to the pi.
At first I was scratching my head as why the error is showing up when I flew it, on RC without Pi without any issues and all 3 compass were showing up in the calibration menu. When I connected the Pi to the Telem2 port, the compass1 just shut off and it didn’t show in the calibration either. It’s only happening as soon as I give power to the pi through the port.
Is this supposed to happen, or is my unit defective? Or is there some option or parameter I have to set in order to make it work.
Thank you,