Communication RC-Pixhawk-ESC

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I am currently in front of a problem with the following context :
I am trying to control my 4 wheeled rover with a Pixhawk using PX4, I have 4 ESC (ESC70 from isdt) and 4 brushed motors. I’ve mapped my 4 ESC on pixhawk’s main outputs 1,2,3,4 and I am using the airframe “Aion robotics R1 UGV” but I’ve be cared full to map (on QGC) correctly my two left wheels with the function “left motor” and the same for right.
Concerning my RC, it is well calibrated.
But when I am trying to calibrate or arm the vehicle, sometimes receive weird signals or sometimes no signals.
If someone knows these ESC, or knows a solution for my problem, please help me :slight_smile:


Hi, can you post a logfile of when these issues occur please?

Here you are :slight_smile:
During this, nothing append when I moved the throttle stick… (702.8 KB)

You are in the wrong forum, this is Ardupilot. Go here: PX4

Or, Flash Ardurover.

RC input is there and vehicle is armed. Can’t really say more as I’m not familiar with PX4. As Dave said, you probably won’t get much help here for your issue. There are similarities between PX and AP, but not enough to make them interchangeable.

Do flash Ardurover though and you’ll get lots of help here :slightly_smiling_face:

Do you use esc70 isdt with ardupilot on the pixhawk ?