Commanding Altitude causes Momentary Low Altitude Command


In recent flights, I have noticed that during some of my altitude change commands, the TECS desired altitude momentarily sees a command of a very low altitude. I can see that this is not just a display glitch and that this command actually affects the flight of my aircraft. At first I thought this was a problem with my quadplane/autopilot. However, I opened a quadplane simulation in sitl and I noticed the same behavior. Below is a photo of the log and a link to download the log.

To me it looks like the variables are adjusted in a “wrong” order while being reset on the mode changes. As far as I can tell it has no effect on the controller output.

Thanks for the response :slight_smile:
What I’ve seen (or at least there appears to be some correlation) is that it affects the desired climb rate:

Is this relevant at all?

Thanks, I missed that.

It would be nice if we could avoid these discontinuities but IMHO they aren’t critical unless they happen between waypoints too.