Coming soon - New "mRo Location One" a CAN GPS sensor

i think you don’t need a dongle usb to can.
If you need to use your LocOne you need an fc equipped with and stm32.
If you need change settings and parameters on you gps module you need an ftdi cable but i don’t advice you coz every change of the parameters are delicate.
An usb to can dongle can be use for update bootloader and firmware and apply some changes to the code.

the ftdi cable must be connected in the part where it is marked in red?
and with that I can configure it as if it were a fc stm32 from MP?

Thank you very much for the help, do you mean that with a Babel (USB-CAN Adapter) I cannot configure the LocOne from the UAVCAN GUI tool?

Serial port market can be use for settings the ublox module, with babel usb to can wired on the can port of the module with can gui you can set uavcan parameters.
Bsbel in my opinion it’s too expensive for the purpose… if you purchase a flight controller with in STM32F7 or H7, you can convert it in a dongle flashing arduplane, but also flashing with last arducopter firmware you will be able to set it in MP coz not only you can connect it for set the parameters for the flight controller, but also you can find the connection for Slcan

I already bought the Babel, but it will take time to arrive, I thought that with the Babel and the GUI tool I could make the LocOne make me the data through UAVCAN, because in reality it does not send anything through CAN, and I with a Teensy 3.6 and with The Libuavcan library could read the UAVCAN data from the LocOne, do you think that the LocOne can be configured with Babel for what I want?

I think you must write your own firmware for your Teensy board for the purpose you need… personally i don’t use it
Take a look

but I just want the LocOne to throw me the data, and I will process it in the Teensy taking those values. My question is, can I configure LocOne with Babel using the GUI tool to send me data?