Coming soon - New "mRo Location One" a CAN GPS sensor

At mRobotics our commitment continues with the DIY community. From San Diego California we design and manufacture the necessary hardware to build platforms and solutions based on Ardupilot and PX4. And now we show you the next high-tech GPS that has build-in CAN, which includes many and special improvements to achieve maximum accuracy in positioning and guidance for safe navigation.

One of them is that we have incorporated the RM3100, a new Geomagnetic Sensor. Like a pair of glasses, the RM3100 Geomagnetic Sensor enables you to see magnetic fields clearly.

The RM3100 Geomagnetic Sensor is the highest performance sensor in its class with over 10 times better resolution and over 20 times lower noise than the leading Hall Effect sensor. It makes precise magnetic field measurements, which enables accurate calculation of heading and orientation. The earth’s magnetic field provides absolute reference for heading measurements and accurate motion tracking. Geomagnetic sensors are used to measure the earth’s magnetic field; however, in real world conditions, the earth’s magnetic field is often distorted by other surrounding fields. System components such as batteries, shielding materials, or motors will distort the geomagnetic field near the sensors. An additional design challenge is the changing magnetic environment that temporarily distorts the field like metal parts in furniture, a passing car, or nearby cell phones and computers. Geomagnetic sensors must first be able to see the different magnetic fields in order for the designer to separate earth’s magnetic fields and compensate for the distortions. PNI Sensor’s RM3100 eliminates any “blur” in your magnetic field measurements making distortion error correction a snap, and ultimately allowing you to easily and accurately calculate absolute orientation and heading of a drone or vehicle.

I share a little information that Jordi Muñoz comments about the new “mRo Location One GPS” that we are coming soon to launch.

For more information or questions please feel free to write me directly at just mention me in the mail body :wink: or follow us on our social networks at

Best regards!

Pedro Matabuena
mRo Director
Twitter: @pmatabuena

[Jordi Muñoz]

"Can you see the PCBs that are side by side? Can you spot the differences?

The one on the right is an early prototype, it has a lot of holes(vías) to “clamp” the ground plane. The one on the left is clean! Why? Well, we are experimenting (sorry for keeping all the engineering fun). The left one is a new concept that uses blind vías which are drilled by laser on the inner layers (4 in total). This allows us to have a very clean ground plane, which leaves the cooper of the first layer free of “artifacts”, and the ground is attached around the antenna pin -The ground plane shape and dimension is a fundamental component of the patch antenna-, the idea is to create a more predictable behavior.
This new GPS is known as mRo Location One and has build-in CAN. It also has the new RM3100 compass, the only one currently working and supported by Ardupilot (via CAN), this mag has extreme performance and we salivate every time we fly with it. We also added a “bump” to all of our GPSs, the bump is the little piece of land on the front where the magneto resides, an attempt to keep it away from all disturbances and boost performance.
This module is ready for mass production and it will be released with the new uBlox M9N, which has true multiconstallation support and higher refresh rate.



Any information on its physical dimension. I have a drone that is in need of a gps.


Can this be fitted internally on the 3DR Solo?


Thanks for the dimensions.
Sadly is to big for my drone even with the smallest size.

Good luck …cheers

Oh and that Super EMI Absorber…great stuff

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Thanks, Pedro. M8 has been fitted to my Solo along with the EMI shields already, so I’m looking beyond that to a better solution. I’ll have to keep looking.


We are about to add products to the GPS family. Stay tuned!

Best Regards!

Pedro Matabuena
mRobotics Director
Twitter: @pmatabuena


Hello RickyG, this are the specs that you need for the mRo Location One GPS-

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Hey thanks for this.
I assume its a measurement in mm…I reproduced the drawing based on this info and I can see that if your drawing is accurate it will fit very nicely on my large drone.

Wa hoooo.

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Good day, when it will be available in your store? i need buy two for my drone project…

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Very nice, will this be supporting the UAV CAN pre 1.0 that we are using today for the most part ?

You guys have clearly put a lot of effort into this one.

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Very impressive.

If you make an f9p version I’d be very keen

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Check the “mRo u-Blox ZED-F9 RTK L1/L2 GPS”

mRo u-Blox ZED-F9 RTK L1:L2 GPS Front

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We got a couple Location One in for testing and it is by far the best GPS unit I’ve tested (we’ve tested 13 so far). It manages a 0.6 HDOP in our office, which is the best indoor HDOP I’ve ever seen :slight_smile:


I’ve the same Gps module…its really very sensitive, and you don’t need spend minutes to aquire the gps signal. Outdoor the HDOP is really very low…the rm3100 mag help a lot specially if around your area you have few mag field…
Not all CAN Gps are the same… but this one is really the best option you can find.
Firmware can be also update using MP.


Hi Guys,
Had two mRo Location one installed and after a long calibration process got this in the orientation:
Seems not aligned with the forward heading of the unit and flipped…any ideas?

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Can you attach pls the pics about how you mounted it?

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KitCAN node is awesome… I’ve already done three flights…, very accurate measurement in plus you have the baro and arm switch.
Baro reading is more accurate than the baro on the fc…with a very low light sensibility than the venerable ms5611


The front of the drone is aligned with the arrow on the mRo Location One unit

Even there is the arm switch, it will not affect the external one you have… but it can help just in case you damage the external one or just in case it will not work properly…,

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Good day, during the calibration did you set the automatic learn off set?
i saw in your settings you have disabled the primary compass… leaving active the second and the third.
Which firmware version are you using?

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