Cheerson CX-OF low cost optical flow sensor testing


We included CX-OF support in Copter-3.6.4 so it’s available in the stable release. I’ll update the notes above, thanks!

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awesome sir!
I’ll load it up to get it tested!

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What I described above as a strange behavior:

… when I switch from Loiter to FlowHold I see the Copter oscillate quickly in roll and pitch (like if the Roll / Pitch PID was bad tuned), then if I move the quad a little bit around (with RC) the oscillation disappear and the Copter remain stable.

should be a normal behavior from what I read in the wiki:

Because no Lidar is used in this mode, the optical flow sensor is used both to estimate the vehicle’s height above the surface and the vehicle’s speed. Soon after takeoff or after there have been large changes in the height above the surface the vehicle may wobble as it learns the new height and velocity.

Well, that is a proof that the wiki is pretty complete , thanks to @rmackay9

BTW I see you can adjust parameters

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hi @ppoirier could kindly explain me how to force the drivers to “other board”…thx in advanced!

In order to force the sensor on these board, you have to copy and paste line 108 to line 122


I think @rmackay9 is working on a PR for this

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I must admit that I don’t actually know exactly what’s required to make it available for all boards. Perhaps it’s moving this chunk to be below the “#end

if (backend == nullptr) {
    backend = AP_OpticalFlow_CXOF::detect(*this);

Big thx!!!
Now works fine!!!
Thx Again.


I can confirm it does not get detected on MiniPix either.
Apparently AP_FEATURE_BOARD_DETECT is 0 on a number of ChibiOS boards. Moving detection outside of the #if AP_FEATURE_BOARD_DETECT makes it detected.

Thanks, this looks great.
Does the optical flow sensors can be use for an autonomous mission without GPS like the Zed camera?

@Amit, yes, but like the ZED camera there will be some position drift and that drift increases if the vehicle flies higher… so it will probably work OK if the vehicle stays below 20m and the mission isn’t too long.

@rmackay9 This is true only with optical flow + range finder, with only optical flow in flowhold is not possible, do I understand well?

@anbello, with optical flow + range finder all modes should work without GPS including Auto mode. FlowHold mode will work even without the rangefinder.

@rmackay9 Any news on EKF switching to optical flow only in case of in flight GPS failure ?

@Eosbandi, No progress on that issue I’m afraid. I think the first step is probably to confirm whether the issues exists when using EKF3. txs!

Hello everybody ,
I don’t know if this is the right place , i’d like to share my idea and to know if have some chance of success or viceversa i’m wasting my time

I have an OpenMV Cam and recently i modified the script called “” to send the information in the same way as Cheerson CX-OF serial protocol

I followed the instruction to use the CX-OF sensor

I forced to use uart in SITL


And I received the data from OpenMVCam

Something like this…

First question:
How is calculated the CXOF_PIXEL_SCALING ?
It’s possible to use the FLOW_F…SCALER instead of CXOF_PIXEL_SCALING ?

As result of first real test with my quadcopter I logged these data. The copter was in oscillation in roll and pitch axis. FlowX vs BodyX is uncorrelated but viceversa FlowY vs BodyY is correlated

Could be only a problem of orientation ?

The data from flow sensor are not linear ( i didn’t set EK2_FLOW_DELAY ) or scale problem ?

Any comments will be appreciated

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That is interesting :slight_smile:

You might have camera orientation issue indeed, you deed to do a roll and pitch test as described in the PX4FLOW wiki.

have you looked at my calibration result above ?

very interesting. i didn’t realise someone had written a script to allow the OpenMV camera to be used as an optical flow sensor. I guess you’re modifying the script because we don’t have a driver to directly accept the mavlink messages? A few people have asked for such a driver so we really should write that…

Thank you for your answer , you inspired me with your work with OpenMV!

Yes i read the article but probably I didn’t follow the right procedure
I supposing the output of the flow when moving must be as follows

Forward +Y
Backwards -Y
Right -X
Left +X

At the begin I tried to check the direction reading the data from the terminal console on OpenMV IDE.
But It’s not easy , the best thing would be to log the data and print a graph .
After the test with SITL ( only for serial driver ) the next step was to tuning the flow data with mission planner

I was convinced to read the flow data on the Flight Data screen’s Status tab before to flight , but these values was always zero. I think that may be the best method to check the signal trend.

After that I decided to test on flight, just in hovering to get enough data to log.

Anyway I will try to repeat the previous steps to get the flow values and gyro values with the same trend
About the amplitude if I understand I may adjust the values analyzing the signals trace

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