Cheerson CX-OF low cost optical flow sensor testing

with VL0 I get bad lidar health with VL1 I don’t know why I still have to get from aliexpress :slight_smile: however according to the wiki it should go

Oh… many devices, with different addresses… the VL do have the same address and it can be changed but not permanently **

arducopter already has several i2c addresses for different lidars. Correct?

Generally, each family has a different address and most of I2C lidar can have their address permanently changed but not the VL53


Would you mind sharing your gains and hardware used on your 3" setup?

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Hi, these are my settings for optical flow only (no lidar fc nano v6). With these settings I am getting good results in low light (sunset) or in indoor flights, but in full sunlight the optical flow sensor seems to be ignored. Can anyone indicate on which parameters to modify to have a good functioning in both light situations? Thanks!

my sensor is:


I’m assuming you are on Arducopter 4.0.3 right?

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Yes, arducopter 4.0.3 3" quad


Hi Patrick,my ThoneFlow 3901 optical flow has just arrived about 17 days to come from Seeed Studio china so am happy bunny


Good! When will you take a test?

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hopefully next couple days and will report back here using the new benewake lunar lidar with it I hope

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Test position hold flow hold mode (only optical flow) direct sunlight 25 meters. 3" quadrotor.


These are my settings on arducopter 4.0.3 which seem to work well in outdoor (sun light) and indoor (low light)

It would be useful to share the settings


Hi, have you done any tests with the lunar? Thanks

Would this sensor work?

it should work but i have “bad lidar health” problems when i connect VL53L1X to pixhawk 1 or omnibus nano v6

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Hello, have you solved these problems? I also have these messages