Change altitude during AUTO mission

Is it possible to have a channel assigned to a function that lets change the mission altitude during an auto mission?

My target is to adjust ±2 meters a mission while it is flying at around 10 meters in auto. A knob that would set alttude from 8 to 12 in 0,5 steps would be great.

Hope it is clear what i am looking for.

@rmackay9 I guess it is not possible doing it, right?


@Corrado_Steri, that’s right, AP doesn’t have this feature at the moment. There is a request on the issues list to add support for changing the altitude during a mission but it hasn’t been implemented. I think Tridge may have done a PR for RTL mode but it hasn’t been merged yet.

Ok thanks, i was just double checking i didn’t miss it.

Thank you