Can't get OSD to Work


I’m new with flight controllers and Ardupilot but making great progress so far with the help of the wonderful community and documentation.

I’m trying to get the OSD working, but after fiddling with it for hours, I’m throwing in the towel and asking for help. The video works fine, but I can’t get the OSD to appear.

  • I’m using a SpeedyBee F405 Wing Flight Controller with Ardupilot 4.5.7.
  • I have a Walksnail Avatar HD Mini 1S Kit VTX and camera combo (38.43.13) connected to Serial 5 - SpeedyBee docs call this the “Digital VTX” port but I’ve also tried on the “Analog VTX” port with no success.
  • The goggles are a Walksnail Goggles L.

The VTX powers up just fine and transmits to the goggles. I have the TX connected to the RX and the RX connected to the TX between the VTX and the SpeedyBee flight controller. The 2nd GND (2nd black wire) and SBUS (yellow wire) are disconnected.

I’m using the following configuration:

SERIAL5_BAUD 57 (but also tried 115)

I have 3 OSD screens enabled in Mission Planner. I don’t know what else to do to get the OSD working and I would appreciate any help.

Thank you!

Did you try:


Thank you for the reply.

I did have OSD1_ENABLE = 1
I changed SERIAL5_OPTIONS = 4 to 0 and SERIAL5_BAUD = 57 to 115 as you suggested but still have no OSD on the goggles.

Here’s a picture of inside the goggles in case it helps.

Can you post your parameter file? Maybe there’s something else to find.

no_OSD.param (25.3 KB)
I really appreciate you looking into this with me. The param file is attached.

Let’s just rule out a few things. If this works then we can sort out the multiple screens.

SERIAL5_OPTIONS,0  # this file still showing 4. 
SERIAL6_PROTOCOL,-1 # some times having multiple ports set to the same thing like this will cause issues.  

Don’t forget to power cycle the flight controller after making changes to the serial settings.

And have you got the fonts turned on in the googles? And of course double check the wires. Usually walksnail is pretty straight forward so it’s going to be something simple.

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@Allister , you’re a wonderful human! Thank you so much for the help! It’s working now.

For anyone else that may have this problem in the future, only assign DisplayPort to ONE serial port and also reboot your goggles between changes. I incorrected assumed the OSD would appear on the screen, but it actually didn’t appear until after the goggles rebooted!

Allister - Thank you, thank you!

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