Can't find RNGFNDx_... parameters in AP4.4.4, MP1.3.81

i’d like to use an ultrasonic or ToF rangefinder sensor. they seem to rely on setting several RNGFNDx_… parameters. eg HC-SR04 Sonar Rangefinder — Plane documentation, TeraBee TOF RangeFinders — Plane documentation

but i’m only seeing RNGFNDx_TYPE parameters in the full list?

they seem to be supported in 4.4.4 Complete Parameter List — Plane documentation

? no RNGFND1_MIN_CM etc:

for comparison, here’s a screenshot of parameters in 4.0.3 from TeraBee TOF RangeFinders — Plane documentation

you wont get the full list until you set a type and refresh the parameters.

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